The poison dart frog conservation status varies widely, depending on the species. Some species, such as the dyeing poison frog (Dendobates tinctorius) are classified by the IUCN as "least concern" and enjoy a stable population. Others, such as Summer's poison frog (Ranitomeya summersi), are...
The parents carry their young, either all at once or a few at a time, to small pools where they can grow and mature. Tadpoles will grow into adult frogs after many months. In this young form, they are exceptionally vulnerable to predators. The lifespan of the poison dart frog is not ...
Some poison frogs show unusual habits in that they’re often seen to carry both eggs and tadpoles on their back. This is called ‘backpacking’ which is, of course, not an unusual behavior in amphibians. The average lifespan of poison frogs is 3 to 15 years in the wild. They are ...
The blue poison dart frog is a kind of colorful frog that is found in one small area on Earth. Come learn about how this frog got its name, where...