A group of poison dart frogs is known as an “army.” One of this frog’s adaptations is its brightly colored body, from blue to red and black to golden yellow. Poison dart frogs are sometimes known as “poison arrow frogs.” The golden poison dart frog, the most toxic of all of th...
The poison dart frog conservation status varies widely, depending on the species. Some species, such as the dyeing poison frog (Dendobates tinctorius) are classified by the IUCN as "least concern" and enjoy a stable population. Others, such as Summer's poison frog (Ranitomeya summersi), are...
The poison dart is so named, as some Amerindian tribes used their toxin to poison their blow darts for hunting. The golden poison frog is the one to look out for, as they are one of the most poisonous species in the world. It is believed that the venom of one golden poison frog can...
Wild poison frogs, such as this strawberry poison-dart frog (Oophaga pumilio), are poisonous due to the insects they eat. While indigenous tribes in Colombia use toxic skin secretions from poison frogs (particularly the golden poison frog) to coat blow darts they use in hunting, the captive-...
Are dart frogs easy to care for as pets? What does one feed a pet poison dart frog? How do poison dart frogs catch their prey? Can poison dart frogs jump and swim? Poison dart frogs are members of the Dendrobatidae family and are considered to be the most poisonous amphibians disguis...
Species: Auratus: (GREEN POISON FROG, GREEN AND BLACK DART-POISON FROG, GOLD ARROW-POISON FROG) Scientific Name: Dendrobates Auratus Phylum: Chordata Class: Amphibia Order: Anura SubOrder: Neobatrachia Clade: Hyloidea Family: Dendrobatidae SubFamily: Dendrobatinae Genus: Dendrobates Countries: ...