The problems of developing the supply of courses to match the demand for such courses is examined, with the need to keep up-to-date with developments of robotics in the industry and commerce.doi:info:doi/10.1080/10408347308003751Rick MerrittPensamiento Psicológico...
Gestión de la convivencia y profesores contra corriente, ArtículoThis study has demonstrated greater efficacy of a new percutaneous amethocaine preparation relative to Eutectic Mixture of Local Anaesthetics (EMLA). Initially, a double-blinded trial was undertaken on each preparation individually ...
Nutritional intake of vitamin A, C and E are over the RDA paramaters suggesting an healthy nutritional status that must be confirmed and ratify by biochemical assessement. Nutritional densities were higher in female gender than in males in vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene possibly due to a ...
SonicationEncapsulationParticle sizeNiosomes are vesicles formed by self-assembly of non-ionic surfactants. In this investigation, the effects of processing variables, particularly temperature and sonication, on the physical characteristics and phase transitional behaviour of two niosomal systems...
Chacon-Chaverri D (1993) Aspectos biometricos de una poblacion de sabalo, Megalops atlanticus (Pisces: megalopidae). Rev Biol Trop 41:13–18Chacon-Chaverri, D. 1993. Aspectos biometricos de una poblacion de sabalo, Megalops atlanticus (Pisces: Megalopidae). Revista Biologia Tropical 41:13...
Enfermedades importadas y no importadas en la poblacion inmigrante. Una decada de expe- riencia desde una unidad de enfermedades infecciosas. Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2011;29:185-92.Ramos, J., Masia, M., Padilla, S., Escolano, C., Bernal, E., & Gutierrez, F. (2011). ...