1. 检查电脑是否有光驱 (Check if the Computer Has a CD/DVD Drive) 首先,确保你的电脑配备了光驱。大多数台式电脑都配有光驱,而许多现代笔记本电脑则可能没有。你可以查看电脑的规格说明书,或者直接观察电脑外部是否有光驱的插槽。 2. 获取光盘 (Obtain the CD/DVD) 准备好要播放的光盘。确保光盘没有划痕或...
play on the computer 翻译成中文. 下载作业帮APP学习辅导没烦恼 答案解析 结果1 举报 play on the computer 玩电脑play games on the computer用电脑玩游戏 APP内打开 结果2 举报 玩电脑 结果3 举报 在电脑上玩, 俗称玩电脑... 结果4 举报 玩电脑 APP内查看更多答案(5) 为你推荐 查看更多 David wants to...
弹拨,吹奏(乐器);演奏to perform on a musical instrument; to perform music 11. [t][i] 播放to make a tape, CD, etc. produce sound DVD 光盘;视频DVD/video 12. [i][t] 开始播放;播放(光盘或视频)to start working; to make a DVD or video start working 扮演;演出act/perform 13. [t] ~...
If you previously selectedRip CD automaticallyon theRip Musictab in theOptionsdialog box or on theRip settingsmenu, a CD will immediately begin ripping after you insert it into the drive. If you get a message that says that your computer is missing a codec or that you re...
If you previously selectedRip CD automaticallyon theRip Musictab in theOptionsdialog box or on theRip settingsmenu, a CD will immediately begin ripping after you insert it into the drive. If you get a message that says that your computer is missing a codec or that you require a DVD decode...
The CD playback controller combined with computer includes controller, playback command input device and power supply. The power supply is connected to the controller and the CD drive in the computerand supplies DC source. The playback command input device connected to the controller is used to ...
Is there any way to fix this? Thanks... My CD/DVD drive will sometimes not recognize or play a CD when inserted, why? in Windows 10 Drivers and Hardware My CD/DVD drive will sometimes not recognize or play a CD when inserted, why?: My CD/DVD drive in my desktop computer (HP) ...
Ejecting Remote Computers CD Drive else : The term 'else' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. Email Notification sent when files...
Sometimes, the reason for MacBook Pro DVD drive not working or the iMac DVD player not working could be that there is too much dust on the lens. This problem can be easily fixed without re-purchasing the replacement of Superdrive: just apply a special CD lens cleaner or a minute brush ...
✅ CD/DVD drive won't play CDs & does not appear in This PC list in File Explorer:Hello -- The CD/DVD drive on my older PC with Windows 10 has stopped playing CDs, and the drive does not appear under This PC in File Explorer. -...