Plafonds Insonorisation/isolation Contactez-nous REVÊTEMENT EXTÉRIEUR Revêtement métallique Revêtement de céramique mural Revêtement en panneaux d’aluminium Revêtement en panneaux de fibrociment Revêtement en bois Toitures métalliques
First chemical study of the sacoglossan Elysia patagonica: Isolation of a γ-pyrone propionate hydroperoxide PLACOBRANCHUS-OCELLATUSMARINE MOLLUSKSBRYOPSIS SPMETABOLITESOPISTHOBRANCHIABIOSYNTHESISDIOMEDEAELYSIAPYRONESRUFESCENS•The chemistry of the sacoglossan mollusc Elysia... M Carbone,C Muniain,F Castelluc...
Isolation and characterization of a new subunit of phycocyanin from Chroomonas placoidea[J]. Yun Yun Zhang~a,Min Chen~(a,*),Hong Cui~b a College of Chemical and Biological Sciences and Engineering,Yantai University,Yantai 264005,China b Yantai Traditional Chinese Medical-science Hospital,Yantai ...
Isolation and characterization of a new subunit of phycocyanin from Chroomonas placoidea A new phycocyanin (PC) fluorescent subunit named β 2 (18 kDa) was isolated and characterized by both SDS-PAGE and isoelectric focus...
This low variation may be related to small population size, isolation, and restricted dispersal. Little differentiation was found between the three subspecies of P. bolLonsi, supporting the view that subspeciation is recent and induced by human activities. P. bollonsi on Northeast Island (Three ...
isolation by distancelandscape geneticsmarine bivalvemicrosatellite DNAscallopMarine bivalves are sessile or sedentary as adults but have planktonic larvae which can potentially disperse over large distances. Consequently larval transport is expected to play a prominent role in facilitating gene flow and ...