一般PLA材料的最佳打印温度在195至210摄氏度之间,这样可以使其熔点与打印头温度相匹配,使材料能够顺利地被挤出而不至于发生堵塞或出现不稳定的现象。 3. 温度过高的问题 当PLA材料的打印温度过高时,会导致材料熔化过快,挤出口容易堵塞。温度过高还会使成品表面产生融化或变形的现象,并可能导致打印过程中出现不良的粘附...
Table 1. PLA vs. PLA+ Comparison AttributePLAPLA+ High-resolution No Yes Dimensional accuracy +0.05 mm +0.03 mm Easy setup for printing Yes Yes Use for proof-of-concept Yes Yes Use for parts required in load-bearing applications No Yes Use in high-temperature environments No Yes Environmentall...
2404302131 聚乳酸(PLA)是一种可生物降解的高分子材料,具有以下性能特点 1. 生物降解性:PLA可以在特定条件下被微生物分解为二氧化碳和水,对环境友好。 2. 力学性能:PLA具有与聚丙烯塑料类似的力学性能,可以…
聚乳酸(PLA) 聚乳酸(聚丙交酯,Poly lactic acid,英文简称PLA)是一种合成的可生物降解的热塑性脂肪族聚酯聚合物材料,主要原料来源于玉米等天然材料,环境友好、可塑性好、易于加工成型,作为高科技产品和环保产品已成
美国PLA Ingeo™2500HP聚乳酸物性 美国PLA Ingeo™2500HP聚乳酸物性 美国Nature Works聚乳酸 Ingeo PLA 2003D 可在传统挤出设备上直接或作为配方混合料的一部分使用, 美国Nature Works聚乳酸P 2000系列是
For optimization of the reaction conditions, the effects of temperature, pressure, PLA molecular weight, and catalyst type on the lactide synthesis were examined. The fraction of D,L-lactide decreased with increasing temperature. Among the various Sn-based catalysts, the D,L-lactide fraction was ...
Heat Distortion Temperature (°C)55E2092 美国Nature Works转化为一系列Ingeo PLA(聚乳酸)聚合物,每一种聚合物都有特定的性能属性,这仅仅是个开始,Ingeo树脂等级开启了创造更好产品的旅程,这些产品从生产到上架到使用寿命结束,碳足迹都很低。 在NatureWorks,我们致力于原料多样化——在我们生产的任何地方,使用很丰富...
In this research work, polymer blends of poly-lactic acid (PLA)/ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) were prepared as the drug carrier materials for a bi-layer drug-loaded coating film for coronary stents. Different optimum compositions of blends were prepared b
Biodegradable PLA/PBSA multinanolayer nanocomposites were obtained from semi-crystalline poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate) (PBSA) nanolayers filled with nanoclays and confined against amorphous poly(lactic acid) (PLA) nanolayers in a continuou
PLA and ABS are two essential materials for 3D printing with FDM. They are also two of the most popular materials on our platform. This comparison will help you choose which material to use for your 3D-printed custom parts.