WSL版的Ubuntu 20.04 LTS用pip3安装you-get时,显示错误: root@xxxx:/home/xxxx# pip3 install you-get WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'ReadTimeoutError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read ti...
首先是打开python3的命令行, 输入pip3 install you-get, 结果提示invalid syntax,语法错误,经搜索是需要cmd, 不是在python3的命令行运行. 在cmd输入pip3 install you-get, 提示不能识别的命令.再搜索, 说要把python的路径加入到环境变量的path里. 加入后, 输入python会显示版本信息. 但pip3还是无效命令... ...
pip3 install you-get 确保你输入的是pip3而不是pip,因为pip3是Python 3的pip版本。 按回车键执行命令: 按下回车键后,pip将开始下载并安装you-get。 等待安装完成: 安装过程可能需要一些时间,具体取决于你的网络速度和you-get包的大小。 安装完成后,你应该会看到一条消息,表明you-get已成功安装。 如果在...
Only ever use your system package manager to upgrade the system pip. The system installed pip is owned by the distribution, and if you don’t use distribution-supplied tools to manage it, you will hit problems. Yes, we know pip says “you should upgrade with pip install -U pip” - tha...
python安装matplotlib:python -m pip install matplotlib报错 2019-12-04 23:01 − matplotlib是python中强大的画图模块。首先确保已经安装python,然后用pip来安装matplotlib模块。 进入到cmd窗口下,建议执行python -m pip install -U pip setuptools进行升级。接着键入python -m pip insta... FocusTa 2 5753 ...
恩我的移动硬盘也是。大概是分区格式搞的。先备份你的硬盘里的东西,再用mac的实用工具里的 磁盘管理工具 给你的移动硬盘抹掉一次,选择“Mac OS X日志式”磁盘格式。当然这有可能导致win里不能读盘...所以我是用win复制东西然后切到mac再从win分区复制到mac分区。说真的我也挺头疼的...
运行apt-get install -f命令来尝试自动修复依赖关系问题。 运行dpkg --configure -a命令来配置所有未配置的软件包。 前面三种对我没用,我试过很多次了还是一直报错,导致其他包也装不上。于是用了第四种,然后继续报错: bash 7f2a0f717aa3:~/$ sudo dpkg --configure -a dpkg: error: requested operation re...
a new version of pip, but your PATH is set to run the system version of the wrapper rather than the user-local one installed with pip. In that case, you can simply fix your PATH. That’s usually the issue for people who dopip install --user --upgrade pipand get thepip.mainerror....
下面是我安装的时候的报错: [root@* ~]# sudo pip3 install uwsgi WARNING: Running pip install with root privileges is generally not a good idea. Trypip3 install --userinstead. Collecting uwsgi Using cached
下面是我安装的时候的报错: [root@* ~]# sudo pip3 install uwsgi WARNING: Running pip install with root privileges is generally not a good idea. Trypip3 install --userinstead. Collecting uwsgi Using cached