While you're weighing the options for yourcustom built drivers, do not forget that Dallas Golf wants to buy the used driver you're replacing. That's right. We take trade-ins online. Watch the video below to see just how easy it is to trade in a club with Dallas Golf!
The Ping G410 Plus driver was one of the five that received a GolfMagic gold star in 2019. It's easily the most forgiving driver we've tested this year and we're sure it's going to prove extremely popular in 2019. If you're a player that really struggles with a slice, then remembe...
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“With the tremendous success of the G410 Plus and SFT drivers introduced earlier this year, we’re pleased to add the highly anticipated G410 LST model to the line-up in time for the summer golf season,” said John K. Solheim, PING President. “It took us a little longer than planned ...
价格¥6900 剩余25 券满1000元减50 领券 【PING G410一号木】正品 PING2019新款高尔夫球杆golf男士一号木美国正品SFT G410发球木 2019款 授权渠道供货 品质保证 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:免运费 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 规格 共5种规格可选 ...
PING新款G410 Plus助力日巡女选手勇夺首冠! PING日本签约家庭成员比嘉真美子刚刚换上新款G410 Plus不久,便取得了女子日巡冲绳揭幕战冠军。 上周末,女子日巡揭幕战大金工业蝴蝶兰女子高球赛在美丽的冲绳琉球高尔夫俱乐部落下帷幕,年仅25岁的比嘉真美子最终以3杆领先优势赢得了属于她个人的第五个女子日巡冠军!
The Plus completely different, all the setting are set in neutral and I get a dead straight ball. Set on Draw it’s a hook, Fade is a slice. I’ve always had a 9-10.5’ driver but w the Plus I have 12’, don’t know why but it works.Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy ...
产品名称 G410驱动程序 最小起订量 2件 包装 透明塑料袋 功能 增加球杆头的重量和配合 球杆类型 驾驶员 材料 钛合金 包装和发货信息 Packaging Details 纸箱包装 销售单位: 单一商品 单品包装尺寸: 5X4X3 厘米 单品毛重: 0.018 公斤 展开 交货时间定制评分...
商品系列: G410升级款 可售卖地: 全国 是否跨境商品专供货源: 否 是否现货: 是 技术特点: MAX460CC、480CC直线飞行技术、低倒旋技术、26g钨金属可调节配重块 价格: 型号不同价格不同,详见描述 商品品类: 通用 销售区域: 中国大陆 商品配件: PING推杆1支、PING球包1个 价格说明 价格:商品在平...