(HSV-1) that most people get as children from the spit of an infected person. The sores usually get better on their own, but your doctor may suggest antiviral pills or creams to help speed the healing. The virus stays in your body and could cause outbreaks when you are sick, anxious,...
Medically Reviewed byPoonam Sachdevon March 22, 2024 1/25 What Is Lupus? Lupus is a lifelong disorder of theimmune system. Immune cells attack the body's own healthy tissues, leading to inflammation and tissue damage. Symptoms may be limited to the skin, but more often lupus also causes in...
In the case of children, the physician may collect the specimen skin cells by attaching a clear tape on the patches and then removing it. The sample is then examined in a lab. Treatment of tinea versicolor Tinea versicolor infections are treated with oral and topical drugs. The method and ...
Different types of viral infections can cause raised bumps on the skin, which can also be called viral rashes. Typically, healthcare providers can determine which type of infection a person has by the location, size, pattern, and appearance of the rash. For example,shinglesare a viral infectio...