PI3K-Akt信号通路是细胞中一个关键的信号传导网络,它可被多种细胞刺激或毒性损伤所激活,并在调控转录、翻译、增殖、生长和存活等基本细胞功能中扮演重要角色。 当生长因子与细胞膜上的受体酪氨酸激酶(RTK)或G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR)结合时,它们会分别刺激Ia和Ib类PI3K同工酶。这些被激活的PI3K在细胞膜上催化磷脂酰肌醇...
其次是Environmental Information processing,一共涉及18个通路,全部都是信号传导相关的(表1),其中包括MAPK signaling pathway,Ras signaling pathway,AMPK signaling pathway等在文章里我们反复见到的通路。 可见,这些通路都是一环套一环的,如果不能从全局了解他们的关系,我们难免进入盲人摸象般的迷茫。 图3 与PI3K-AKT...
此外,AKT能抑制蛋白水解酶caspase-9的活性从而阻止凋亡级联反应的启动(Apoptosis通路)。 AKT磷酸化活化IkB激酶(IKKα),导致NFκB的抑制剂IkB的降解,从而使转录因子NFκB从细胞质中释放出进行核转位,启动其靶基因表达从而促进细胞的存活(属于NFκB通路)。 AKT磷酸化FOXO1,则会导致FOXO1从细胞核移位到细胞质,从抑制FOXO...
6)IGF-PI3K-Akt signaling pathwayIGF-PI3K-Akt信号通路 1.Recent evidence suggests that normal and exercise-induced cardiac growth are regulated in large part byIGF-PI3K-Akt signaling pathway.近年来,研究表明心肌的正常生长以及运动诱导的心肌生理性肥大,主要是通过IGF-PI3K-Akt信号通路进行信号转导。 延伸阅...
原文链接:Cyclic Mechanical Stretch Ameliorates the Degeneration of Nucleus Pulposus Cells through Promoting the ITGA2/PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway - PubMed 小编旨在分享、学习、交流生物科学等领域的研究进展。如有侵权或引文不当请联系小编修正。 微信搜索公众号“Naturethink”,了解更多细胞体外仿生培养技术及应用...
关键词 : PI3K-Akt 病毒 感染 免疫 癌症 PI3K-Akt Signaling Pathway and Viral Infection Liu Rongdiao Ruan Lingwei (Key Laboratory of Marine Biogenetic Resources,Third Institute of Oceanography,State Oceanic Administration,Xiamen 361005) Abstract: Many viruses have developed the ability to ...
In general, the function of PI3K-AKT signaling pathway is to stimulate cell to proliferation and growth, and simultaneously inhibit cell apoptosis. 5. Relationship with oncogenesis As the general regulation direction of PI3K-AKT pathway is to stimulate the cell growth and proliferation. The over ac...
因此,了解PI3K-Akt 信号通路在病毒感染过程中的调控作用,对理 解一些病毒感染及发病机制,以及相关病毒疾病的预防和治疗具有重要意义。综述PI3K-Akt 信号通路与病毒感染的相关研究进展。 关键词 : PI3K-Akt 病毒 感染 免疫 癌症 - PI3K Akt Signaling Pathway and Viral Infection Liu Rongdiao Ruan Lingwei ( , ...
(mTOR) signaling pathway is prevalently over-activated in human cancers and contributes to breast cancer (BC) growth, survival, proliferation, and angiogenesis, which could be an interesting therapeutic target. This review summarizes the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway activation mechanism in TNBC and...