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需购2025春 【带APP款】PI值0.5 LCD四色屏PULSE Oximeter脉搏检测指尖血氧仪 采购详情 询价单编号:ZGC6504***988 询价单有效期:至2025***入驻工厂可见 订单备注:***入驻工厂可见相似工厂 中医器械服务榜 第3名 永康市双锦保健器材厂 经络保健器材中医器械 1.7万m²金华 97%响应率 100%履约率 深度验厂 ...
OLED Fingertip pulse oximeter: SPO2, PR, PI Features: 1. Small & lightweight design 2. Colour packing 3. True color OLED display 4. Hang string, 4 display modes 5. Display Spo2, PR, PI, Pulse Bar, Plethysmogram 6. Low power consumption, automatically power off ...
Fingertip pulse oximeter with high performance Features: 1. Small & lightweight design,Medical grade chip 2. Colour packing 3. True color OLED display 4. Hang string, 6 display modes 5. Display Spo2, PR, PI, Pulse Bar, Plethysmogram ...
Prototype pulse oximeter in previous research still use system based on microcontroller. Microcontroller system is ideal for building robotic systems but microcontroller system has a weakness in terms of processing the signal. During the last decade, development of single board computer has provided ...
How I made a pulse oximeter with a Raspberry Pi Pico to keep tabs on my heart rate Pico plus Python makes a perfect pair 1Home Automation Hub Automate all the smart devices in your home using your Pi Source: Joyce Lin / Hackster.io ...
MAX30100 Pulse Oximeter Heart Rate Sensor Module Rs. 275.00 Add to Cart NewOut Of Stock TTGO T-Beam ESP32 WiFi Wireless Bluetooth Module with LoRa 868Mhz Module, GPS NEO-6M & 18650 Battery Holder Rs. 2,650.00 Add to Cart Notify when in Stock!
How I made a pulse oximeter with a Raspberry Pi Pico to keep tabs on my heart rate Pico plus Python makes a perfect pair 1Home Automation Hub Automate all the smart devices in your home using your Pi Source: Joyce Lin / Hackster.io ...
Pulse Oximeter Data Capture with Raspberry Pi Posted in: Video - Camera - Imaging Projects Making an autonomous boat using a Raspberry Pi (WiP) Posted in: Game - Entertainment Projects Interface to Wireless Driveway Sensor Posted in: Sensor - Transducer - Detector Projects, Wireless projects Raspb...
Max3010x Pulse oximeter and heart-rate sensor. I2C Max44009 Ambient light sensor. I2C Mcp4x Digital potentiometers. SPI Mcp49xx 8/10/12-bit Digital-to-analog (DAC) converters. SPI Mcp794xx Real-time clock (RTC) / calendar. I2C Intro blog post Mlx9061x Non-contact infrared (IR)...