作者:Kotler, Philip / Armstrong, Gary 出版社:pearson 出版时间:2012-00-00 开本:大16开 印刷时间:0000-00-00 ,购买Principles Of Marketing ( fourteenth edition ) 英文原版等艺术相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
尽管菲利普·科特勒(Philip Kotler)先生一再指出“营销不同于推销”,彼得·德鲁克(Peter F.Drucker)先生更强调过“营销就是要使推销成为多余”,但在中国的营销界和社会上,持“营销就是卖货”“营销的中心是销售”之类看法的至今依然大有人在,而持“营销就是4Ps”答案的大学生亦不在少数。 诸如此类的认知错误,...
Your marketing will be […] 7 minutes 4 Three Product Levels (Kotler) The Three Product Levels model by Philip Kotler provides a way to understand the different levels of need a customer […] 5 minutes 5 Gap Model of Service Quality The Gap Model of Service Quality (aka the Customer ...
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Philips Kotler Marketing Management Marketing Management By Philip‚ Kevin Lane Keller‚ Abraham Koshy‚ Mithileshwar Jha logo copy.tif SUMMARY by Chapter 6 Analyzing Consumer Markets Since marketing starts from the customer‚ it is of primary importance to understand the psyche of the customers...
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Philip Kotler: Marketing is the Original Behavioral Economics Social marketing provides a more holistic approach to influencing behavioral change. By Philip Kotler I often see writers equating “nudging” with behavioral economics. It’s as if nudging is the essence of behavioral economics. As much ...
这就是行销:科特勒精要(Philip Kotler's FAQs on Marketing,洪世民译)。台北市:日月文化。nccuir.lib.nccu.edu.tw|基于20个网页 2. 这就是行销 ...何人就任何主题提出的理论,都可能过时。」所以他在《这就是行销》(Philip Kotler's FAQs on Marketing)写道,「我只要 …mag.chinatimes.com|基于5个网页...