学位要求:Master 专业要求:A relevant discipline 申请链接:http://www.psychiatry.cam.ac.uk/students/prospective/prospective-graduates 招生电话:012230465 237 招生邮箱:pgpsych@hermes.cam.ac.uk 邮寄地址:Graduate Admissions Office, Academic Division, 17 Mill Lane, Cambridge, UK, CB2 1RX...
在G同学及金吉列众人的共同努力下,今年1月G同学迎来了剑桥大学的PhD (Probationary) in Psychiatry的录取通知书。 优秀履历、亮眼成绩,迈入名校的第一步 G同学本科毕业于University of Liverpool 的BSc Molecular Biology and Biotechnology专业,凭借在校优异成绩...
Psychiatry & Psychotherapy: Training, Supervision, & Practice; Specializing in Transference Focused Pyschotherapy
realist evaluation and economic appraisal of how community-led-organisations (CLOs) impact on the health and wellbeing of people living in deprived areas in the UK. The candidate will work independently but will also have
studying early neuroimaging biomarkers related to different risk factors of dementia in middle-aged healthy adults. Professor Li Su is Professor of Neuroimaging in the Flagship Neuroscience Institute at Sheffield University and Principal Investigator in Department of Psychiatry at University of Cambridge. ...
Psychiatry in Santa Clara, CA. Dr. Eliou opened her private practice in 2001. She practiced in downtown Palo Alto for 18 years and opened her practice in San Francisco in 2011. In 2023, she opened a Peer Consultation Group for psychologists for continuing professional development, and ...
Psychiatry Research, 304, 114135. Hansen, Stephen, Peter J. Lambert, Nicholas Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Raffaella Sadun, and Bledi Taska. 2023. Remote work across jobs, companies, and space (No. w31007). National Bureau of Economic Research. Sutskever, Ilya, Oriol Vinyals, and Quoc V. ...
It was at this time that Rob's association with the Maudsley Hospital and the Institute of Psychiatry in London began. Clearly finding his niche, Rob rapidly progressed to become Professor of Clinical Neuropharmacology and Consultant Psychiatrist within 10 years. His research interests were unusually ...
In Memoriam Philip S. Holzman, PhD (1922–2004)Esther and Sidney R. Rabb Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, Harvard University; Professor, the Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Director, Psychology Research Laboratory, McLean Hospital - ResearchGate...
Chapter 2,Introduction to Information Retrieval, 2008, Cambridge University Press, by Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schutze,https://nlp.stanford.edu/IR-book/information-retrieval-book.html. Chapter 2,Speech and Language Processing(3rd ed. draft), 2023, by Dan Jurafsky and...