Pgpool-II load balances all tables. This means that if a table is not replicated, Pgpool-II may lookup outdated tables in the subscriber side. The main replica mode mode (slony mode) can be used with PostgreSQL servers operating Slony. In this mode, Slony/PostgreSQL is responsible for synchr...
pgpool-II Server部署在其中两台机机器当中,pgpool-II Server之间通过“看门狗”服务保持信息互通,同时避免pgpool单点故障。 1.节点间postgres用户免密登录 1.1关闭防火墙和SELinux systemctl disable firewalld systemctl stop firewalld 手工修改/etc/selinux/config SELINUX=disabled,或使用下面命令: sed -i '/^...