select regexp_split_to_table('a_b_1_1,a_b_2_1,a_b_3_2,a_b_4_2,a_b_5_3',',') line; 这不免让我们觉得,如果配合上一个split函数,就可以无中生有构建一个常量表,事实上,确实可以这样做: select split_part(line,'_',1) stu_id, split_part(line,'_',2) stu_name, split_part(...
pg数据库字符 select unnest(string_to_array('1,2,3',','))::int2; select regexp_split_to_table('1,2,3,4',',')::int2; 使用案例 select 1 from [table] where state in (select regexp_split_to_table(@state_str,',')::int2 ) zcany我的个人博客 __EOF__...
- regexp_replace:替换与指定模式匹配的文本字符串。 - regexp_split_to_array:使用指定的正则表达式将文本字符串拆分为文本字符串数组。 - regexp_split_to_table:使用指定的正则表达式将文本字符串拆分为表。 - regexp_instr:返回与指定模式匹配的第一个子字符串的位置。 - regexp_substr:返回与指定模式匹配...
函数:regexp_split_to_table(string text, pattern text [, flags text])说明:Split string using a POSIX regular expression as the delimiter. See Section 9.7.3 for more information. 利用正则表达式将字符串分割成表格 例子:regexp_split_to_table('hello world', E'\\s+') = hello world (2 rows...
3. regexp_split_to_array|regexp_split_to_table 使用正则表达式分割字符串,用来将字符串转换成格式化数据,一个是转换成数组,一个是转换成结果集表,语法: regexp_split_to_array ( string, pattern [, flags text ] ) → text[] string : 待分割的字符串 ...
psql --pset=pager=off -q -c 'select distinct datname from (select datname,regexp_split_to_table(datname,$$$) word from pg_database) t where (not (ascii(word) >=97 and ascii(word) <=122)) and (not (ascii(word) >=48 and ascii(word) <=57)) and ascii(word)<>95' for...
for example: ora2pg -p -c ora2pg.conf -t GRANT -a 'USER1 USER2' -e 'FUNCTION[adm_.*];PROCEDURE[adm_.*]' Advanced filters may need some learning. Oracle doesn't allow the use of lookahead expression so you may want to exclude some object that match the ALLOW regexp you have ...
psql --pset=pager=off -q -c 'select distinct datname from (select datname,regexp_split_to_table(datname,$$$) word from pg_database) t where (not (ascii(word) >=97 and ascii(word) <=122)) and (not (ascii(word) >=48 and ascii(word) <=57)) and ascii(word)<>95' for...
EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' || _grpname; END IF; -- 建立复合表 EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE ' || _grpname || ' ( id_moburlvisit BIGINT NOT NULL, mob BIGINT NOT NULL, lac INTEGER NOT NULL, ci INTEGER NOT NULL, id_urlrule INTEGER NOT NULL, ...