Petunia hybrida 网络 矮牵牛; 碧冬茄; 垂吊矮牵牛; 矮牵牛; 矮牵牛花
Define Petunia hybrida. Petunia hybrida synonyms, Petunia hybrida pronunciation, Petunia hybrida translation, English dictionary definition of Petunia hybrida. Noun 1. Petunia hybrida - hybrids of Petunia axillaris and Petunia integrifolia: a complex gro
hybrida 种间杂交 petunia n. 喇叭花;牵牛花;深紫色 最新单词 effective separation factor的中文释义 有效分离系数 effective sensitivity的中文解释 有效灵敏度 effective selectivity的中文解释 有效选择性 effective segregation怎么翻译及发音 有效分离,正分离 effective seedling怎么翻译及发音 有效实生苗 effec...
矮牵牛Petunia hybrida 为茄科碧冬茄属植物。花朵硕大,色彩丰富,花型变化颇多,开花期长,是一种极有价值的草花。 物种知识: 多年生草本作一年生栽培。株高20〜45cm,全株具粘毛。茎稍直立或倾卧带蔓生状。花单…
Petunia hybrida‘Sonja Rose withWhite Edge’ 凝霜-红色白边 Petunia hybrida‘Frost White’ 康特·唐 Petunia hybrida‘Count Down’ 夸张-红色白星 Petunia hybrida‘Ultra Red Star’ 至雅组合-古色剪影 Petunia hybrida‘SophisticaCollection Ancient Sihouette’ ...
英英释义 hybrids of Petunia axillaris and Petunia integrifolia: a complex group of petunias having single or double flowers in colors from white to purple 访问沪江小D查看petunia hybrida的更多详细解释>相关短语 infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (牛) 传染性鼻气管炎 horn ring (牛) 角轮 enamel ...
碧冬茄,学名Petunia hybrida,又名矮牵牛,茄科碧冬茄属一年生草本植物原产于南美洲,是直立性腋生矮牵牛(Petunia axillaris)和匍匐性青紫矮牵牛(Petunia integrifolia)杂交培育的,现在世界各地广泛种植,成为最为普及的花卉之一。株高30-60厘米,叶卵形,花单生与叶腋,漏斗状,似牵牛花,有各种颜色和条纹。在热带常年开花...
hybrida Siegfried Zerche1*, Klaus-Thomas Haensch2, Uwe Druege2 and Mohammad-Reza Hajirezaei3 Abstract Background: Adventitious root (AR) formation in axillary shoot tip cuttings is a crucial physiological process for ornamental propagation that is utilised in global production chains for young ...
Find a journal Publish with us Track your research Search Cart Home Plant Molecular Biology Reporter Article Petunia hybridaErratum Published: March 1985 Volume 3, page 93, (1985) Cite this article Download PDF Plant Molecular Biology Reporter Aims and scope Submit manuscript ...
Hagendoorn, MJM, Plas, LHW, Walraven, HS Petunia hybrida: in vitro culture and the production of anthocyanins and other secondary metabolites. In: Bajaj, YPS eds. (1996) Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry, vol 37. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 284-303...