D: Oh, I mean, you know, I’ve never flown across the south of England and it really looked absolutely fantastic, especially as we approach…approached Plymouth, you know, with this sunshine and it looked really marvelous…marvelous.C: Well, when you come up next time, would you be comi...
Um, I think you’ll find that’s pretty much the case with all animal flesh-based food products….Although I did once consume half a pepperoni pizza that had been left sitting on my kitchen counter for two weeks (which is to say, at room temperature) and I didn’t get so much as ...
“With friends, I guess it’s easier because you can dissociate yourself from friends more easily; whereas family, they’re just there.” (2F240055) “I would be more eager to see my cousin if he didn’t have the views he currently has.” (2F230031) This leads to the second for...