近日 发布了适用于 Blender 的 Pencil+4 Line,是基于其流行的Pencil+非真实感渲染。3D大魔王第一时间对其进行了测试: 它围绕 3D 对象生成描线轮廓,从而可以在 3D 工作流程中模拟传统动画的线条样式,并且可以与 3ds Max、Maya 和 Unity 版本的 Pencil+ 交换数据。 插件本身是免费的,但需要与 PSOFT 的商业 Penci...
尽管Blender 有自己的原生 NPR 工具,例如FreeStyle渲染器和Grease Pencil工具集,但 Pencil+ 4 Line 的卖点可能是它对生成的线条提供的控制。 同样重要的是,PSOFT 还发布了适用于 Blender 的 Pencil+ 4 Bridge,这是一款免费插件,可用于在 Blender 与 3ds Max、Maya 和 Unity 版本的 Pencil+ 之间传输 Pencil+ 4...
https://github.com/psofthouse/Pencil-4-Line-for-Blender/blob/main/LICENSE 下载指路 https://docs.psoft.co.jp/plb400w/en/4.0.5/install/install.html 这里需要注意的,Pencil+ 4 RenderApp是收费的,独立许可证的费用为63,800日元,网络许可证的费用为95,700日元。不过,小伙伴们可以先体验下试用版: 14天...
PSOFT Pencil+ 4 Render App 4.1.1 and up is required Please download the latest version from the PSOFT website. 最新版をPSOFTウェブサイトからダウンロードしてください。 Assets 3 PSOFT_Pencil+_4_Line_for_Blender.4.1.3.zip 2.86 MB 2025-02-05T01:33:06Z Source code (zip) 2025...
通过将“Pencil+ 4 Render App for Windows”与免费的“Pencil+ 4 Line for Blender”插件相结合,可以生成高质量的线条作品,让艺术家享受更丰富、更具表现力的卡通渲染能力。 与“Pencil+ 4 Bridge”实用程序兼容 免费的“Pencil+ 4 Bridge for 3ds Max / Maya / Unity / Blender”是 Pencil+ 4 的扩展插件...
Filofax, a brand traditionally known for its organizers and planners, also offers a line of luxury pencil cases. Crafted in the finest leathers, these pencil cases are designed for those who appreciate elegance and quality in their stationery accessories. Features and Benefits ● Luxury Materials: ...
When we test a stylus we draw the same line across the iPad screen over and over, judging if it repeats in the same place. Another good test is how well the stylus can draw small circles and dots, I'm looking for consistent and regular marks without breaks. This is a test I do ...
When a behind of the scenes book is written about this time period in Apple, the Pencil matrix/comparison chart will be featured prominently as a big ole red flag that Apple learned nothing, and promptly returned to 1990s product line bloat. Score: 26 Votes (Like | Disagree) Read All Com...
The stylus is touch-responsive almost beyond belief, thanks to brand-new NearLink wireless short-haul communications technology3, which boosts the signal, reduces latency4, and keeps interference at bay. 10,000+ Pressure Sensing Levels Navigate the stylus to anywhere you want on your tablet, with...
Dcard 最大蘋果 LINE 社群:點這邊 嗨!我是 Neil IG:點這邊 延伸閱讀》 USB-C Apple Pencil 好嗎?副廠觸控筆 CP 值更高?比較給你看 如何用 iPad 做筆記?分享 12 個好用的 Goodnotes 技巧與筆記方式 iPad 學生推薦指南:4 款機型分析介紹,從需求、預算挑適合的 iPad ...