PDF-XChange Editor (PDFXEdit.exe). Comprehensive PDF Viewing File manipulation, OCR, Security, Multimedia comments, Spellchecker, XFA...
I'm pleased to give PDF-XChange Editor a 5-star rating. It's an excellent tool that meets all my needs perfectly. The interface is user-friendly, and the features are exactly what I was looking for. I have no dislikes about the product—it's been a great experience so far... ...
PDF-XChange Editor Latest Stable Release: (Updated on12 Feb 2025) Supported Operating Systems:All current versions of MS Windows operating systems, and previous versions that are maintained with service updates from Microsoft, are supported for this product. ...
PDF-XChange Editor Plusincludes functionality to add dynamic JavaScript actions to stamps, enabling the creation of stamps that will display dynamic information such as the current date. Compare Documents The Compare Documents feature can be used to compare documents, and provides a summary of differen...
PDF-XChange Editor Plusincludes functionality to add dynamic JavaScript actions to stamps, enabling the creation of stamps that will display dynamic information such as the current date. Compare Documents The Compare Documents feature can be used to compare documents, and provides a summary of differen...
PDF-XChange Editor Everything you need to create, edit, enhance and convert PDF documents in one dynamic application. PDF-XChange Tools A flexible, customizable and wizard-driven application for the batch creation, manipulation and modification of PDF files. ...
第一步:使用世界之窗浏览器输入https://www.llpdf.com 进入乐乐pdf官网 第二步:在世界之窗浏览器上添加上您要转换的pdf-xchange editor文件(如下图所示) 第三步:耐心等待54秒后,即可上传成功,点击乐乐PDF编辑器上的开始转换。 第四步:在乐乐PDF编辑器上转换完毕后,即可下载到自己的Intel电脑上使用啦。 以上是...
PDF-XChange Editor Plus官方版是一款优秀的PDF阅读编辑器。PDF-XChange Editor Plus官方版可以帮助用户快速的制作和编写PDF电子文档。PDF-XChange Editor Plus官方版支持创建、查看、编辑、注释、OCR识别和数字签名pdf文件等等功能。它能够自动生成书签。软件能够自动生成页眉或页脚。
PDF-XChange Editor 从官网上下载并安装 Tracker Software Products :: PDF-XChange Editorhttps://www.tracker-software.com/product/pdf-xchange-editor/download?fileid=656 可以使用它的功能,部分高级功能在使用之后,会对PDF文件添加水印。 在处理之后,只需要除去它添加水印,不就可以免费使用它的高级功能了吗?
PDF-XChange Editor是一个高功能的PDF浏览和编辑软件。它有一个免费版本和高级版本,都有英语和日语版本。60%的功能都可以在免费版中使用,其余的功能,客户必须支付一点费用。目前,它适用于在Windows操作系统上运行的计算机系统。PDF-XChange Editor的用户界面可以根据用户需要进行定制,这反过来又使用户非常容易浏览和使用...