Figure 1e displays the Fourier transforms of the extended X-ray absorption structure (EXAFS) functions for the Fe K-edge of the photoanodes. The spectra exhibit two peaks; the first peak at 0.8–1.9 Å due to interaction between a central Fe atom and the nearest O neighbors and ...
ICS35.040 L71 固园 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 多声道数字音频编解码技术规范 formuitichannelaudio Specification digital codingtechnology 2009-06-0 2008-12-22发布 1实施 丰瞀粥零瓣譬矬瞥星发布中国国家标准化管理委员会仅1。 22726--2008 GB/T 目 次 前言… ………· 引言……… 1 范围………-·...
1. Introduction: The CompOSE Data Base The main purpose of the online service COMPOSE ( is to provide information and data for different equations of states (EoSs) ready for further use in astrophysical applications, nuclear physics, and beyond, see the review [1] ...
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wiez.B.inFlugzeugen,Kinos,inKrankenhausernoderinderNaihevonmedizinischenGeriiten, inderNaihevonGasoderKraftstoffBaustellen,SprengbereichenundanderenBereichen. Verwenden5ienurNetzteileundKabelvonASU9S,dieflrdieVerwendungmitdiesem Geritzugelassensind,PrUfenSieamAufkleberanderGeriteunterseite,obIhrNetzteilden ...
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remote sensing Article Wheat Fusarium Head Blight Detection Using UAV-Based Spectral and Texture Features in Optimal Window Size Yingxin Xiao 1,2,3, Yingying Dong 1,3,*, Wenjiang Huang 1,3, Linyi Liu 1,3 and Huiqin Ma 1,3 Citation: Xiao, Y.; Dong, Y.; Huang, W.; Liu, L.; Ma...
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