In the considered panoramic projection, we represent all points which are situated behind the proIjnectthioencsounrsfiadceerethdapt aisnaolrlapmoiicntpsrloojceactteiodno, nwtehreeoptrheesrensitdaellopf othinetsprwojheiccthioanresusritfuacaetetdhabnehthinedcetnhteer proofjepcrtoiojenctsiuornfaSce...
In order to obtain the DEM for the area, it was necessary to go through the following steps [20]: − the maps have been converted from analog into digital format; − the raster images obtained were inserted in the AutoCAD program and georef- erenced on coordinates in the STEREO 70 ...
In [18] a LIDAR device is used to determine the indoor 2D location of a mobile robot using a map in AutoCAD (CAD) format. Recently, more complex and advanced approaches include the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in indoor environments to estimate the map and the device´s ...