(depending on the products) Proprietary toolkit Build models with the System Dynamics approach Run what-if scenarios and do policy design Quickly assemble a flexible user interface Connect to MS Excel or different Databases Free Multi-method tool Java-based modeling platform Free version The choice ...
The addition of substituents, i.e., F, Cl, Br, and OC2H5 groups in the phenylamino ring further decreased the activity. Compound 88 also exhibited excel- lent pharmacokinetic properties and followed the Lipinski rule of five. Compound 88 presented a binding energy of −9.4 kcal/mol and ...
The wedge is excelJent for separating the parts of bodies. and lbe screw for comprersing or squeezing them together; and its geat friction is erren sometimes of u-se to presen€ the efect already produced by it. The strength of the engine, and of its parts, must be proportioned it....
Í kjölfarið fékk ég excelskjal frá Alcoa, sem geymdi yfirlit yfir alls konar teymi, mis mannmörg, yfir- menn, tímasetningar og ýmsar aðrar upp lýsingar sem voru í hverju skjalinu á fætur öðru og allt í belg og biðu. Þá fór ég ...
nJuAlilaenxaAnldexearnMdaemr Mo a3,mMoa3nu,eMl Saanpuiaenl oSa1,piano 1, MMiicchhaaeell SScchheemmbbrrii 1 1 aanndd CChhrriissttoopphh SScchhüütthh 4 4 Citation: Demichele, F.; Micallef, F.; CPoitratotigohne:sDe,eIm.; iMchaemleo, ,FJ..;AM.;icSaalpleiaf,nFo.,; PMo.r;...
We used Online Analysis Platform for Bibliometrics (version 1.0) or Excel software to conduct the visualization analysis of publication year, journals, and countries. Partnership analysis mainly analyzes the relationship between countries (institutions or authors). We used VOSviewer (version 1.6.17) to...
2.5. Statistical Analysis Statistical analysis was performed using SAS software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) and diagrams were drawn using Excel software. Comparison of means was conducted using Duncan's New Multiple Range Test at p = 0.05. 3. Results Spray applications of boric acid ...
Clinochlore Mg5Al(AlSi3O10)(OH)8 and amesite Mg2Al(AlSiO5)(OH)4 form inclusions and rather large ingrowths (up to 5 mm) around spinel, inclusions within spinel, and in fractures along the border of corundum and spinel (Figure 4b). These minerals were also found in the rims around ...
The ASCII matrix pressure distribution information saved during the experiment was imported into Excel. The average pressure gradient and maximum pressure gradient were calculated from the pressure distribution matrix. 2.2.2. Analysis of Subjective Evaluation Results The subjective evaluation method of the ...
Statistical significance was evaluated with unpaired two-tailed Student's t-test using Microsoft Excel. (* p < 0.05). 2.19. Data Availability The data discussed in this publication were deposited in NCBI's Gene Expression Omnibus [40] and are accessible through GEO Series accession number GSE...