PCL XL error”是通信错误 的意思,换打印线、换端口再试,不行再把打印机恢复出厂设置。我这边有个HP彩色激光机也出现过,不论打印什么东西都打印的是这个,装到另一个电脑就正常了。
http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=epson+1290%C7%E5%C1%E3%C8%ED%BC%FE&lm=0&si=&rn=10&ie=gb2312&ct=0&cl=3&f=1&rsp=0 参考资料:专业人士
3. Right-click the printer affected by the PCL XL error. Select Printing Preferences from the options. 4. Go to the Advanced tab and change Send True Type as Bitmap to Enabled. Then, set TrueType Fond to Download as Softfont. 5. At last, click the Apply button and the OK button to...
6、运行时出现错误:vtkOpenGLTexture (0000000002540430): No scalar values found for texture input! 原因:创建vtkTextActor时,未调用SetInput()方法;或调用SetInput()方法,参数给的空字符串。这都相当于创建了一个空vtkTextActor,导致该错误发生。 解决方法:创建vtkTextActor时进行初始化,即调用SetInput()方法,且...
Wrong PCL XL driver (when future drivers are available) MissingAttribute Driver, firmware, or application related No operator No solution Error Cause Solution CurrentCursorUndefined Operator deleted some data, but not all got deleted; verify if changes where made to data ...
3. Error message (if any)• Example: ""Low disk space"" error in Windows - 'PCL XL Error Subsystem: IP, Error: InsufficientMemory'4. Any changes made to your system before the issue occurred• Examples: Upgrading your Operating System or installing a new software; or i...
Failed. Status: 22;"HTTP response code said error" -- Downloading https://mirror.yandex.ru/mirrors/msys2/mingw/i686/mingw-w64-i686-pkg-config-0.29.2-1-any.pkg.tar.xz... -- Downloading https://mirror.yandex.ru/mirrors/msys2/mingw/i686/mingw-w64-i686-pkg-config-0.29.2-1-any.pkg....
The application also contains a 'Print Languages' tool to display tables of PCL5 sequences, PCL XL tags, PCL XL enumerations, PJL commands, etc. Another tool is a 'Status Readback' tool which will send a PCL or PJL 'status readback' request to the printer and display the returned data....