The Intel(R) Pcie controller x16-1901 driver, is causing the problem and gives "Currently, this hardware device is not connected to the computer. (Code 45) To fix this problem, reconnect this hardware device to the computer." The graphic card is installed properly on the lapto...
Hello! I have a problem with Pcie controller x16-1901. I think there is almost 1 year that I have it. Whenever it goes off my graphics card is as
NVIDIA显卡识别不到,PCIe Controller x16 -1901 损坏 创建您的HP账户可以在社区发帖交流进行个性化定制 您有了HP帐户还可以用到其他惠普支持网站及软件,访问惠普支持网站可以在一个页面管理您的所有设备,查看保修信息,售后案例状态等。 创建您的HP账户 了解更多 ...
Intel pcie controller (×16)1901无法启动,导致无法识别独显 兮舜 战栗坚韧 4 我的也是,不知道是不是独立显卡挂了 兮舜 战栗坚韧 4 太难了,只能用集成显卡了 just1ndeng 胜利狂喜 9 这个拍的有点太糊了。。。如果还没有解决的话可以加我qq3217582537哈 为98度的爱 入伍热血 1 一模一样的问题,...
再次遇到这个情况,自己并没有插显示器,所以问题的原因不在于显示器,然后又去查了一下关于intel(r) pcie controller (x16) - 1901 code 10的信息,发现问题主要集中于: 更新Windows之后出现该问题 安装某驱动后出现该问题 而我最近进行过一次更新,但是更新完之后依旧可以使用,所以很大概率是硬件的问题,所以推荐还是选...
This device cannot start. (Code 10) anyone know what is this?? also I can’t seem to detect my second gpu (nvidia) once this popped up in device
Intel(R) PCIe Controller (x16) - 1901 error code 10 my video card is also not displayed, I tried everything, completely reinstalled absolutely all - 8279500
i started digging in the device manager then i found my gpu in the hidden devices with an error saying that it is not connected to the laptop, and also my PCIe controller x16 had a yellow mark on it wath an error code 19 that means the device may be damaged or somethi...
免费查询更多英特尔pcie控制器(x16) - 1901年详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息等,您还可以发布询价信息。
Controller(x16) -1901”有黄色感叹号,如图: 双击后,发现设备状态是“由于其配置信息(注册表中的)不完整或已损坏,Windows无法启动这个硬件设备。 (代码 19...此设备的驱动程序软件”。3)然后点击设备管理器中的“操作”—“扫描检测硬件改动”,进行检测硬件改动,之后会感觉屏幕闪了一 ...