DerPublic Broadcasting Service (PBS)ist ein privates, gemeinnütziges Unternehmen, das Amerikanern ein großes Angebot an Bildungs- und Unterhaltungsprogrammen im Fernsehen und Internet bietet. Der PBS-Kanal lebt von den Beiträgen seiner Communities, die über 360 Mitgliedsstationen in den ...
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P1003 PBS 磷酸盐缓冲液干粉(0.01M)索莱宝 科研用 Solarbio 品牌 一件代发 48小时发货 支付宝 ¥70.0 北京市通州区 P1020 1×PBS缓冲液(pH7.2- 7.4) 500ml PBS 磷酸盐缓冲 solarbio 品牌 一件代发 48小时发货 支付宝 ¥80.0 北京市通州区 病理试剂 姬姆萨染色液2*1组合 pbs(磷酸缓冲液)标准...
PBS-T 漂洗缓冲液即为含吐温-20(Tween-20)的磷酸盐缓冲液,是经常使用的一种缓冲液,主要用于免疫组化,原位杂交和酶联免疫等实验中,还可用于清洗免疫印迹膜等。PBS-T 漂洗缓冲液(10×)溶液中含有 1379.31 mM NaCl,26.67 mM KCl,14.71 mM KH2PO4,80.99 mM Na2HPO4和 0.5%的 Tween-20,工作液浓度为 0.01 ...
Energy loss due to carrier recombination is among the major factors limiting the performance of TiO2/PbS colloidal quantum dot (QD) heterojunction solar cells. In this work, enhanced photocurrent is achieved by incorporating another type of hole-transporting QDs, Zn-doped CuInS2 (Zn-CIS) QDs into...
To where do I report bugs and ask questions about the pre-release version ofpbsv? Please refer to ourofficial pbbioconda pageto report bugs and ask questions. Where can I find an example dataset to trypbsv? For Genome in a Bottle sample HG002: ...
HBSS、EBSSPBS等都是与较弱的磷酸盐缓冲液相关的盐溶液。常见的平衡盐溶液有Eargles液、Hanks液、磷酸盐缓冲溶液(PBS)等BIOISCOPBS-EDTA 缓冲液(PE10mmol/L)主要由PBS和EDTA组成,pH值为7.4,其中EDTA 浓度为10mmol/L,该试剂经高压灭菌。 组成: 产品名称 CD016-500ml Storage PBS-EDTA溶液(PE,10mmol/L) 500m...
The optical properties and functionality of air-stable PbSe/PbS core-shell and PbSe/PbSexS1-x core-alloyed shell nanocrystal quantum dots (NQDs) are presented. These NQDs showed chemical robustness over months and years and band-gap tunability in the near infrared spectral regime, with a relian...
PBS磷酸盐缓冲液(20×) 编号:GL1047 品牌:百奥莱博 规格:500ml|2L 用途:多用于免疫组化和细胞染色 注意事项:生物学和医学上经常用的一种磷酸缓冲液,主要由磷酸氢二钠和磷酸二氢钾组成的粉剂。溶于水后pH约为7.2-7.4
The saturable optical absorption properties of PbSe core nanocrystals(NCs), and theircorrespondingPbSe/PbScore/shell andPbSe/PbSexS1-x core/alloyed-shellNCs, were examinedatλ=1.54 μm. Saturation intensities of approximately100 MW/cm2 were obtained. TheNCsact as passive Q switches in near-infrare...