如要添加新的电话号码,轻触+添加电话号码,输入号码,然后轻触添加。 如要编辑电话号码,请轻触该号码,然后进行编辑,接着轻触完成。 如要移除电话号码,轻触该号码,然后向下滚动并轻触移除。(仅在您的PayPal账户内添加有两个号码的前提下您才可以对其中一个号码进行移除操作。) 当您将手机号码添加到PayPal账户时,我们会...
在你新增手機號碼後,我們便可透過簡訊聯絡你,為你的帳戶提供服務。因此,我們建議你能定期檢視並更新你在 PayPal 帳戶註冊的手機號碼,以確保維持最新狀態。 在PayPal 網站上新增、變更 或 移除 電話號碼的方式如下: 前往「設定」。 在「 電話號碼 」區段中: 按一下「+ 新增」以新增電...
Solved: My mobile number changed a few years ago but I never updated my profile. Now I can't log in as Paypal wants to send me a text on the old
Have two primary numbers now, one is an old home phone but I had it terminated. May belong to someone else by now. Paypal instructions on https://www.paypal.com/us/cshelp/article/how-do-i-add-and-confirm-change-or-remove-a-phone-number-on......
To edit your phone number, click Change next to the number. Make your edits, then click Update Number. To remove a phone number, click Remove beside the number. (You can only remove a phone number if you have at least two added to your PayPal account.) To add, change, or remove ...
Bảo vệ tài khoản PayPal bằng cách thêm hoặc cập nhật số điện thoại di động của bạn để nhận tin nhắn văn bản. Làm theo các bước đơn giản để thêm, chỉnh sửa ho
My mobile number changed a few years ago but I never updated my profile. Now I can't log in as Paypal wants to send me a text on the old number to verify the account. I've tried logging in from a different browser which doesn't work. Also tried using the Help Chat system, ...
Phone number changed - can't log in Go to solution SaintDH Contributor Options Posted on Jan-06-2021 06:21 AM My mobile number changed a few years ago but I never updated my profile. Now I can't log in as Paypal wants to send me a text on the old number to verify ...
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Sikre din PayPalkonto ved at tilføje eller opdatere dit mobilnummer for at modtage SMSbeskeder. Følg lette trin for at tilføje, redigere eller fjerne dit telefonnummer.