174 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校 University of Illinois Chicago $53,300 $98,300 176 博林格林州立大学 Bowling Green State University, Main Campus $49,800 $98,200 176 托马斯爱迪生州立大学 Thomas Edison State University $48,300 $98,200 176 内华达大学雷诺分校 University of Nevada, Reno $47,700 ...
The College of Southern Nevada faculty pay scale is based on teaching experience and degrees earned. In addition to pay, it has a benefits package that includes medical insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, and retirement benefits. The policies ...
5. Know the law – pay transparency laws by state or city As states continue to pass new legislation, pay transparency will become more critical. The list below provides an overview of state and local laws, covered employers and when employers must disclose and by what method. Note: State ...
66 圣何塞州立大学商学院 San Jose State University (SJSU) - College of Business, and Lucas Graduate School of Business MBA $67,500 $137,000 66 巴尔的摩大学法学院 University of Baltimore School of Law JD $64,100 $137,000 71 加州理工学院 California Institute of Technology (Caltech) PhD $...
下面请看出国留学网为大家整理的2017PayScale商科专业本科薪水排行,供大家参考。 排名 学校名称 学校英文名 职业早期薪水 职业中期薪水 1 乔治敦大学 Georgetown University, Washington D.C. $63,300 $136,000 1 加州大学伯克利分校 University of California, Berkeley $75,000 $136,00 查看全文...
Another approach: Seikaly notes that Payscale in its own job ads provides not just a minimum-to-maximum pay range but an indication of what they’re most likely to pay. “We’ll say we try to target the 60th percentile of the range,” she said. ...
Any pay scale; Any previously determined minimum and maximum hourly or salary wage for the position; Minimum and maximum hourly or salary wage of current employees holding equivalent positions at the time of the posting; or The budgeted amount for the position. ...
Nevada State-wide Effective date:October 1, 2021 Employers affected:All employers Employers may not seek pay history, nor may they refuse to hire, interview, promote or employ applicants who do not provide pay history. Employers must provide a wage or salary range to applicants who have complete...
In Nevada, after someone has had an interview for a job, the company must tell them the pay range or how much the job pays, either as a wage or salary. New York City: Minimum and Maximum Salary/Wage Disclosures Beginning on November 1, 2022, companies in New York City with at least...