Auster's autobiographical text, The Invention of Solitude (1982), consists of two parts, "Portrait of an Invisible Man" and "The Book of Memory," on the latter of which I shall focus. It is Auster's first prose text and, in many respects, forms the basis of his subsequent writings ...
嗨,朋友!迫不及待要分享给你这个资源,相信能满足你的小期待~ 快戳[The Invention of Solitude-Paul Auster .txt]查看~ 你觉得这个资源怎么样,还有没有其他想要的资源呀?
新闻看到paul auster去世才发现4321买回家三年了都还没看过 记得当时看到书封写 那是他最具雄心的超级长篇 全景社会写实 每个字都表示这是一部big thing同样每个字都让人觉得它难读于是我就真的一直没翻开 直到讣告传来才发现我还没读过他写的任何一个字感觉是一个特别微妙的隐喻 只是我一时间想不出本体和喻体...
Paul Auster ‐ Poet of SolitudePaul Auster's The New York Trilogy (1987Auster's work, lives of his writer ‐ characters collapsing into lives of the characters they createPoetry, “An Art of Loneliness”‐Ground Work (1990) and Collected Poems (2004...
References to Auster's fiction will be abbreviated as follows: New York Trilogy: NYT; In the Country of Last Things: CLT; Moon Palace: MP; Music of Chance: MC; Leviathan: L; Mr. Vertigo: MV; Timbuktu: T; The Book of ... Martin Butler - Martin Butler and Jens Martin Gurr are memb...
Auster, PaulDescriptionEkphrasisEyeImageInvention of Solitude (TheIntertextualityMemoryMuseumThis paper aims to examine the ways in which Paul Auster rewrites the topos of the visit to a museum in The Invention of Solitude (1982). Whereas "Portrait of an Invisible Man" contains the reproduction of ...
Paul Auster - Poet of SolitudePaul Auster's The New York Trilogy (1987)Auster's work, lives of his writer - characters collapsing into lives of the characters they createPoetry, “An Art of Loneliness” - Ground Work (1990) and Collected Poems (2004)...
doi:10.1080/08989575.2004.10815316John D. BarbourRoutledgeAuto/biography Studies
For Paul Auster, a room is in essence "the substance of solitude itself", a spatially defined solitude. In this respect, the phenomenon has transcended its physical limitations and assumed existential and philosophical significance. In his writings, a room is...