论文 1:Training Compute-Optimal Large Language Models 作者:Jordan Hoffmann 、 Sebastian Borgeaud 等 论文链接:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.15556.pdf 摘要:Kaplan 等人研究 (2020) 表明,自回归语言模型 (LM) 中的参数数量与其性能之间存在幂律关系。结果是该领域一直在训练越来越大的模型,期望性能得到改...
本周论文包括费米实验室发现,一种被称为 W 玻色子的基本粒子似乎比标准模型预测得要重 0.1%,这一研究登上《科学》封面;谷歌用 Pathways 系统训练了一个 5400 亿参数的大型语言模型——PaLM(Pathways Language Model)等研究。 目录 ...
Neonatologists have also chosen to expand upon on their neonatology training with clinical and research exposure to enhance their roles in neonatal cardiovascular care, including fetal care consultation, delivery room management, and perioperative cardiac intensive care consultation. To provide insight and ...
Training Dataset: filtered webpages, books, Wikipedia, news articles, source code, and social media conversations. Results: Few-shot 实验: Finetune实验: 比最好的encoder-decoder模型效果要差一点,但是显著高于之前的decoder-only的模型。 Big-Bench: PaLM自己的总结: 虽然文章没有给人惊喜,但是论文自己的...
Training Dataset: Results: Few-shot 实验: Finetune实验: 比最好的encoder-decoder模型效果要差一点,但是显著高于之前的decoder-only的模型。 Big-Bench: PaLM自己的总结: 虽然文章没有给人惊喜,但是论文自己的总结也还是挺中肯的: PaLM只是构建Pathways这个愿景...
[21] High-performance, Distributed Training of Large-scale Deep Learning Recommendation Models:ask.qcloudimg.com/draft [22] TensorFlow在推荐系统中的分布式训练优化实践: TensorFlow在推荐系统中的分布式训练优化实践 [23] Scaling Distributed Machine Learning with the Parameter Server: cs.cmu.edu/~muli/file...
After training they say, "My skills are Intermediate/Advanced!" Most active shooter training is tactics to stop the shooter and never addresses the rest of the incident. This historical training gap fails the victims who can bleed to death as responders struggle to manage the scene, the ...
[2111.12993] PolyViT: Co-training Vision Transformers on Images, Videos and Audio (arxiv.org)[...
Training Dataset: Results: Few-shot 实验: Finetune实验: 比最好的encoder-decoder模型效果要差一点,但是显著高于之前的decoder-only的模型。 Big-Bench: PaLM自己的总结: 虽然文章没有给人惊喜,但是论文自己的总结也还是挺中肯的: PaLM只是构建Pathways这个愿景迈出的第一步,PaLM的意义在于进一步扩展了大模型的能力...