网络致病相关基因 网络释义 1. 致病相关基因 • 病菌感染植物后,常会诱导一些被称 为致病相关基因(pathogenesis-related gene)的表达。其个有一些是编码水解酶的 基因, …|基于 1 个网页
它不仅对植物系统获得抗性(systemic acquired resistance,SAR)和诱导系统抗性(induced systemic resistance, ISR)起核心调控作用,而且是植物基础抗性(basic resistance)以及由抗病基因(resistance gene,R)决定的抗性的重要调控因子.氧化突发(oxidative burst)造成的强还原势导致NPR1蛋白还原成单体,以及NPR1单体在细胞核内的...
Pathogenesis-related gene expression in rice is correlated withdevelopmentally controlledXa21-mediated resistance againstXanthomonas oryzaepv.oryzae Disease resistance mediated by the resistance gene Xa21 is developmentally controlled in rice. We examined the relationship between Pathogenesis Related (P... G Po...
Peleg-Grossman S, Melamed-Book N, Levine A: ROS production during symbiotic infection suppresses pathogenesis-related gene expression. Plant Signal Behav 2012, 7: 409–416.Peleg-Grossman S., Melamed-Book N., Levine A. (2012). ROS production during symbiotic infection suppresses pathogenesis-...
line, that over-expressed the tobacco class 5 pathogenesis-related (PR) gene for osmotin, was tested for altered transcriptional regulation of other PR genes which could account for the increased resistance to pathogens observed in this PR5 gene transformant. Transcripts encoding PR proteins were ...
When expressed in Arabidopsis npr1 mutants, BnNPR1 restored salicylic acid-dependent expression of the marker gene PR-1 and enhanced basal defense as well as systemic acquired resistance against a virulent strain of the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae. Expression of Arabidopsis NPR1 or over ...
PR6, PR8,PR9,andPRl5appearedtobeinducedorsuppressedindependentlyinresponsetoFusarium、YDVaphid—transmitted orHfduringtheinteractions.ThePRgene(s)essentialtodefenseagainstoneorganismmayplaylittleornoroleindefense againstanotherpathogenorpest,suggestingthealternativemechanismsmaybeinvolvedindifferentinteractionsofwheat- ...
Gene expressionDefensive enzymesβ-13-glucanaseChitinaseThe gray blight incited by Pestalotiopsis and allied genera is a prevalent disease affecting tea cultivation, and managing it with Trichoderma spp. is an alternative to synthetic fungicides. Plants modify their arsenal system against pathogens when ...
infection and insect attack lead to PR gene expression is not yet well understood. However, early molecular level studies of response to herbivory and mechanical wounding, and pathogen infection suggest a similar Received 20 March, 2013 Accepted 11 July, 2013 WU Shi-wen, E-mail: wushiwen...
Vidya CS, Manoharan M, Sita GL (1999) Cloning and charac- terization of salicylic acid-induced, intracellular pathogenesis- related gene from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). J Biosci 24:287-293Vidya, C. S. S., Manoharan, M., & Sita, G. L. (1999). Cloning and characterization of ...