最早从拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中克隆到的 NPR1(nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related genes 1)基因是调控植物病害抗性的一个关键基因.它不仅对植物系统获得抗性(systemic acquired resistance,SAR)和诱导系统抗性(induced systemic resistance, ISR)起核心调控作用,而且是植物基础抗性(basic resistance)以及由抗病基因(...
Importantly, we correlated the genes with different names in the literature on the basis of locus number and their amino acid sequences. In addition, we discussed the significance of PR genes from different perspectives. 展开 关键词: rice pathogenesis-related genes disease resistance stress tolerance...
待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 of some pathogenesis-related (PR) genes in these lines under问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 一些病程相关(PR)基因在这些线路 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 的一些发病机理相关的(pr)基因,这些线条 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 匿名 2013-05-23 12:...
ExpressionComparisonsofPathogenesis-Related(PR)GenesinWheat inResponsetoInfection/InfestationbyFusarium,Yellowdwarfvirus (YDV)Aphid-TransmittedandHessianFly WUShi-wen 1 ,WANGHong-wei 1 ,YANGZai-dong 1 andKONGLing-rang 1,2 1 StateKeyLaboratoryofCropBiology/CollegeofAgronomy,ShandongAgriculturalUniversity,Tai...
The levels of RNAs for the methyl jasmonic acid (MeJA)- or ethylene-regulated genes that encode the basic β-1,3-glucanase (GluB), basic chitinase (Chi9), and Pathogenesis-related protein-1 (PR-1) were monitored. GluB and Chi9 RNAs were abundant in infested leaves from the time nymphs...
Genes encoding pathogenesis-related proteins PR-2, PR-3 and PR-9, are differentially regulated in potato leaves inoculated with isolates from US-1 and US-8... and Daayf, F. (2005) Genes encoding pathogenesis-related proteins PR-2, PR-3 and PR-9, are differentially regulated in potato ...
Equine rhinovirus 1 is more close- ly related to foot-and-mouth disease virus than to other picornaviruses Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA., 93 (1996), pp. 990-995 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Loeffler and Frosch, 1898 Loeffler F., Frosch P. Berichte der Kommission zur Erforschung der Maul...
The pathogenesis-related protein 1 (PR-1) gene family play important roles in the plant metabolism in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. The present study aimed genome-wide identification and bioinformatics analyses of PR-1 genes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). The analyses resulted in...
complex,andinvolvetheactivationofsetofgenes,encodingdifferentproteins.Thesestressescaninducebiochemical andphysiologicalchangesinplants,suchasphysicalstrengtheningofthecellwallthroughlignification,suberization, andcallosedeposition;byproducingphenoliccompounds,phytoalexinsandpathogenesis-related(PR)proteinswhich ...
PRs have been defined as 'proteins encoded by the host plant but induced only in pathological or related situations', the latter implying situations of non-pathogenic origin. This research encouraged the application of PR genes in gene-engineering technologies for crop improvement. 展开 ...