Some classes rely on two key abilities, such as the Fighter, who may specialize in Strength or Dexterity, depending on whether they favor melee or ranged combat. But most have only one key ability, such as the Wizard, who relies on Intelligence for spellcasting. When picking a class, consi...
The Complete Fighter Chronicle tells the story of your glory. A 3 part book: Part 1: A 20-25 page character sheet with enough room to really map out every facet of your character. Part 2: All thePathfinder 2Erules f...
This comprehensive 640-page guide to the Pathfinder roleplaying game provides everything you need to set out into a world of limitless fantasy adventure! Choose from ancestries like elf, human, and goblin and classes like alchemist, fighter, and sorcerer to create a hero of your own design,...
Our GM last night told us not to go down some stairs after we did a +2 encounter that dropped our fighter and everyone else was at half or lower HP. Could count the number of times the party as a whole rolled 10 or above on one hand, was a rough night. Good to know everything...
Grades: Wizard +A, Unchained Rogue -B, Fighter -C Scenario 2: The wizard can again do everything. Summon outsiders to defend the town, build fortifications with spells, dominate the mayor and have him order around the townsfolk into preparing for the attack by conscripting them all into the...
The Complete Fighter Chronicle tells the story of your glory. A 3 part book: Part 1: A 20-25 page character sheet with enough room to really map out every facet of your character. Part 2: All the Pathfinder 2E rules from the Player's Guide and Advanced Player's Guide for this class...