a request for suspension of procedures shall be submitted to the CNIPA. The examiner will issue a notice of approval for the suspension request to both parties involved in the patent ownership dispute and inform them of the start and end dates of the suspension period (starting from the date ...
At some unknown time prior to November of 2023, the USPTO did restore the ability to copy the telephone number.) PTO Response: The Ideascale moderator responded 9/23/2020 saying, “We are planning to provide similar enhanced feature in a future release.” (Parenthetical title of Examiner is...
Much more interesting, in my view, is the PTAB's addressing of the Examiner's rejections under 35 U.S.C. § 101. Under the traditional two-stepMayo/Alicetest, the Examiner had previously stated that the preparation and measurement of quantum states is mere "gathering data of a particular ...
As a result, questionable patents could be vetted before any litigation begins. "It is not the job of the patent examiner to delve into the psyche of the inventor." --James E. Rogan Partner, Venable Europe has a system like this, but only 5 percent to 10 percent of applications are ...
If it is determined, through examination, that a drug is eligible for PTE and the patentee has already filed a request for patent term adjustment (PTA) for which the CNIPA has not yet made a decision, the examiner handling the PTE request shall wait until the decision on the PTA request...
“To the extent the Examiner is attempting to extract fromKinga hard and fast rule that all changes in dimension are per se unpatentable advances, the Examiner’s reliance upon this authority is misplaced. To the extent the Examiner is attempting to extract fromStevensa hard and fast rule tha...
method may include a diagnosis step, or a detection step rather than a diagnosis one, the Examiner may still tend to conceive that the method serves the immediate purpose of acquiring disease diagnosis results or health conditions as long as a person skilled in the art can obtain disease ...
(A)Where joint inventors are named, the examiner should not inquire of the patent applicant concerning the inventors and the invention dates for the subject matter of the various claims until it becomes necessary to do so in order to properly examine the application.(B)Under 35 USC 119(a),...
Patent History Patent number: 11698166 Type:Grant :Gregory F. Ryan(Dumont, NJ) Primary Examiner:Bradley Duckworth Application Number: 17/852,869 Classifications Current U.S. Class:Roof (248/237)
“I claim the ornamental design for don’t forget the postcard receipt. If your PTMS is accepted, (title of your design) as shown and described.”) you’ll receive a letter from the PTO stating that your PAD (Form 10-1 or PTO/SB/01) petition has been granted and the examiner in ...