While only a long book can address this subject in detail, this discussion provides a guide for formulating an analysis of the key issues when planning the operative treatment of patellofemoral pain and dysfunction.Robert A. TeitgeEscola Anna Nery Revista De Enfermagem...
Brazil, between 2005 and 2007. A historical cohort of 3,543 patients submitted to orthopedic surgical procedures. A descriptive analysis was conducted and surgical site infection incidence rates were estimated. To verify the association between
HT-01.018A Material Aço laminado a frio Comprimento 250-700mm Grossura 1.2*1.2*1.5mm Largura 45mm Tratamento da superfície Azul/Cor/Preto Zincado Aplicativo Gaveta de escritório, armário e casa Capacidade de carga 25-35kg Extensão Extensão completa ...
Adolescente em conflito com a lei: da indiferenca a protecao integral: uma abordagem sobre a responsabilidade penal juvenil. 4. ed. Porto Alegre: Livraria do Advogado, 2013.SARAIVA, Joao Batista Costa. Adolescente em Conflito com a Lei - da indiferenca a protecao integral: uma abordagem ...
Average prices paid by SUS are lower, while the prices paid by ATFP are higher than the reimbursed amounts from other countries.Gustavo L.A. de OliveiraJans B. IzidoroFelipe FerréSamuel R.A. e SousaFrancisco A. AcurcioELSEVIERvalue in health regional issues...
RAI Revista de Administração e InovaçãoLeal, E. A. & Albertin, L. A. (2015) Construindo uma escala multiitens para avaliar os fatores determinantes do uso de inovacao tecnologica na educacao a distancia. RAI - Revista de Administracao e Inovacao, 12 (2), 315-341....
The Ab initio calculations were carried out at the MP2 level of theory employing basis sets obtained through the Generator Coordinate Method, where the core electrons were represented by a pseudopotential. The calculated adsorption energies for the (100) and (111) faces are 5,39 and 4,18 kJ/...