And that was how you can host or join a dedicated server in Palworld. If you still have any queries regarding this multiplayer feature, let us know in the comments.
This repository includes an exampledocker-compose.ymlfile you can use to setup your server. services:palworld:image:thijsvanloef/palworld-server-docker:latestrestart:unless-stoppedcontainer_name:palworld-serverports: -8211:8211/udp-27015:27015/udpenvironment: -PUID=1000-PGID=1000-PORT=8211#Optional...
This repository includes an example docker-compose.yml file you can use to set up your server. services: palworld: image: thijsvanloef/palworld-server-docker:latest restart: unless-stopped container_name: palworld-server stop_grace_period: 30s # Set to however long you are willing to wait ...