一位患者来自沙特阿拉伯,多关节肿痛 A patient from Saudi Arabia with painful and swollen joints 风湿免疫科黄正平 风湿免疫科医生4 人赞同了该文章 A patient hailing from Saudi Arabia, with a long work history in China, visited my clinic accompanied by his wife, complaining of recurring joint...
their condition, but in factthese conditions are extremely treatable.Here, LUCY ELKINS looks at the most common complaints and how to tackle them.BUNIONS They were so huge they poked a hole in my shoeSymptoms: Swollen lump on big-toe joint; lump may become numb but also makewalking painful...
Initial Treatment:First ensure the stinger is removed (look for a black spot in the skin), do this immediately as it can reduce the amount of venom released into the body. At one time it was thought that you had to scrape it out (with something like a blunt knife or plastic edge–a ...
They get more swollen when it is warm, and thinner when it is cool. Also, feet can change size as you grow older. It might be a good idea to have a specialist measure your feet at a shoe store every so often. Soak sore feet in hot water after you take your shoes off. The heat...