高分子光伏材料聚对苯撑乙烯撑(PPV)由于低廉的价格,容易加工的性能与可调的光学性能,有可能成为新一代太阳能材料。 更多例句>> 4) poly(p-phenylene vinylene) 聚对苯撑乙烯 例句>> 5) (cyano-styryl)benzene 氰基乙烯苯撑 1. poly(phenylene-bisethynylene)-alt-((cyano-styryl)benzene) alternating copoly...
黄维李盛彪赵雷唐超范曲立汪联辉韦玮彭波CN1803865A * Dec 1, 2005 Jul 19, 2006 复旦大学 P-phenylene vinylene(PPV) containing fluoryl and difluoro substituted phenyl side chain, its preparation method and application
poly-p-phenylene vinylene 读音:美英 poly-p-phenylene vinylene基本解释 聚对苯乙炔 分词解释 poly-p-phenylene聚苯 vinylene1-亚乙烯基
5) poly [2,5-dibutoxy-p-phenylene vinylene] 聚(2,5二丁氧基)对苯乙炔 6) poly(2,5 dimethoxy p phenylenevinylene) 聚(2,5-二甲氧基)对苯乙炔 补充资料:苯乙基苯丙基苯酚聚氧乙烯聚氧丙烯醚 分子式: CAS号: 性质:学名苯乙基苯丙基苯酚聚氧乙烯聚氧丙烯醚。是农乳1601-II和农乳1600-II号的总称。农...
可溶性聚(2,5-二己氧基)对苯乙炔三阶非线性光学特性 third-order nonlinear optical properties of a soluble poly(2,5-dihexyloxy)-p-phenylene vinylene45阅读 文档大小:500.18K 3页 85868422上传于2015-03-16 格式:PDF 溴甲基化法合成聚_2_甲氧基_5_2_乙基己氧基_对苯乙炔_ 热度: 博研咨询:中国3,...
I Mutase,T Onishi,T Noguchi.Highly conducting poly (p-ph enylenevinylene)prepared from a sulfonium salt. Polymer Communications . 1984I.Mutase,,T.Onishi,,T.Noguchi.Highly conducting poly(p-ph enylenevinylene)prepared from a sulfonium salt.Polym.Commun. 1984...
1) poly(p-phenylene vinylene)聚对苯亚乙烯2) polyparaphenylene 聚对苯撑 1. Doping and Electric Conductivity of Polyparaphenylene; 聚对苯撑的掺杂和导电性能研究3) poly-para-phenylene 聚对苯 1. Synthesis and application of poly-para-phenylene and their derivatives; 聚对苯及其衍生物的合成与应用...
chemical vapor depositionsilicon waferThe films of poly( p -phenylene vinylene) (PPV) were prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of ± , ± -dichloro- p -xylene on the surface of crystalline silicon (001) wafer. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and reflective IR were used for measuring ...
To understand the charge transport mechanism of oligo (p-phenylene vinylene) (OPV) molecular wires, twelve OPV molecular wires were synthesized, whose anchoring groups were thioacetyl (SAc) and amine (NH2), respectively. Conductive probe-atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy-break ...
1) metal/poly(p-phenylene vinylene)/metal structure 金属/聚对苯乙炔/金属结构1. Dynamical study on charge injection and transport in a metal/poly(p-phenylene vinylene)/metal structure; 载流子在金属/聚对苯乙炔/金属结构中注入及输运的动力学研究...