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Oxford English DictionaryThe historical English dictionary An unsurpassed guide for researchers in any discipline to the meaning, history, and usage of over 500,000 words and phrases across the English-speaking world. Find out more about OED ...
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今天要说的是,鉴于这一年,也有朋友与我询问The Oxford English Dictionary Additions Series相关PDF版本进行学习与研究,虽然自己有纸质版本3卷,同时自己也有第一卷与第三卷的高清PDF,却一直没有第二卷PDF,等了近1年,发现也没有,倒也是一种遗憾!作为爱书之人,热爱外文的人,外文藏书更新5070册,手头缺少个别书籍其...
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Nearly 700 Words, Senses, and Phrases Included in Oxford English Dictionary For the First Time (March 2022 Quarterly Update) OED Blog: This update contains nearly700 words, senses, and phraseswhich have been researched, defined, and included inOEDfor the first time, ...
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