After you select Schedule send, an insight opens to the right of your message confirming that date and time. To: Keep the suggested date and time, press Send within the email. Change when the recipient will get your email, use the date and time boxes in the insight to make changes. Aft...
Tip:Depending on your account, you might have the option to selectAdd a roomorSearch for a room or locationfor your meeting. If you don't want to make this a recurring meeting, selectSendto deliver the invitation. Otherwise, see the next sectionSchedule a recurring meeting. Schedul...
findmeetingtimes和getSchedule均已正式发布且适用于生产应用。 返回的事件数据 要使应用能够获取忙/闲信息,getSchedule所需的最低特权权限为 Calendars.Read。 根据应用方案,这可由已登录用户或管理员同意授予。 虽然借助同意后授予的权限,应用可通过 Outlook 在所请求用户的日历上使用getSchedule但所请求的用户可控制该...
會傳回或設定 String,此字串代表工作的 Microsoft Schedule+ 優先順序。 讀取/寫入。語法expression。 SchedulePlusPriority表達 代表TaskItem 物件的 變數。註解範圍可以是 1 到 9、A 到 Z 或 A1 到 Z9。 優先順序 1 為最高。另請參閱TaskItem 物件...
Add details, like a title, date and time, a description, and how you want the meeting toShow as. SelectSave. Note:Any event can become a meeting if youInvite attendees. Schedule a meeting Select New event. If you select a time on the calendar, useQuick composeto add...
Schedule an online meeting in Outlook to meet with others no matter where they are. Create an online meeting SelectNew Items>Meeting. SelectTeams Meetingto make it online. Note:Do not change the information below the line. Add attendees and a meeting name. ...
Scheduling meetings: Outlook makes it easy to schedule meetings. You just have to:some text Use Outlook’s Scheduling Assistant to view the availability for attendees Find a suitable time slot Send out your meeting invite Color-coding events: Color-coding allows you to visually categorize different...
SendLater - free automatic email scheduler, reminder, email follow up add-in for Microsoft Outlook. Schedule and send emails even if you are away from computer.
定期事件是 Outlook 日历的重要组成部分。 无论是与经理每周进行的一对一会议,还是每月第二个星期二的部门评审会议,定期规则只需要创建一次事件,然后让服务器填充系列中的其他内容,从而使过程变得简单。 使定期事件得以“扩展”为单个事件的关键信息点在于定期规则。 此规则同时指定事件重复的频率和持续时间。 Outlook ...
返回或设置一个 字符串 ,表示 Microsoft schedule + 优先级的任务。 读/写。语法expression。 SchedulePlusPriority表达 一个代表 TaskItem 对象的变量。备注允许范围为 1 到 9、A 到 Z 或 A1 到 Z9。 优先级 1 为最高。另请参阅TaskItem 对象