Global terrorist networks are dependent on receiving financial support from a variety of sources, including individuals, charities and corporations. Also k
We now stand at a decisive moment in the development of North Slope oil and gas, and while I am confident that development will proceed, what is not at all certain is the pace. The unsettled land claims of Alaskan Natives and the resulting restriction on land use have dealt a severe eco...
M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 0 8 W W W. T I K K U N . O R G T I K K U N 21 H uman life teems with temptations, one of which is to think that thepeoplewhodograveharmtoothersarefundamentallydifferentfromus. We reserve a special vocabulary for... CL Griswold - 《Tik...
Many scholars used resilience as a “metaphor” in the early research stage of the RC research literature. Metaphors are powerful tools for creating comprehensive new ideas, allowing us to use theories or methods from the field of resilience in an entirely different field and to link knowledge fr...
GPT was able to write new programs on command. I found this surprising because computers are so fussy and unforgiving about their inputs. A human raeder will strive to make sense of an utterance despite small errors such as misspellings, but a computer will barf if it’s given a program ...