您從內部寄件者收到的某些電子郵件訊息會意外移至 Microsoft Outlook中的 [垃圾郵件]資料夾。 即使訊息在 Microsoft Exchange Server 中標示為垃圾郵件信賴等級 (SCL) 值-1,還是會發生此問題。 原因 如果Outlook 未正確判斷是否使用安全連線,就可能發生此問題。 當下列其中一個或兩個條件都...
按一下 [安全的寄件者] 索引標籤,然後輸入網域名稱。 封鎖所有來自特定電子郵件地址或網域的郵件。 例如,如果您將「alpineskihouse.com」加入 [封鎖的寄件者] 清單,則電子郵件地址內含「@alpineskihouse.com」的人員所寄來的郵件一律會被歸類為垃圾郵件。 按一下 [封鎖的寄件者] 索引標籤...
I am having a direct variation on this problem - my home mail host passes all DMARC/SPF/DKIM signing tests, yet my DMARC return report from MS is always "fail", which makes me believe my mail is landing in peoples junk filter when it should not be.. Very frustrat...
我们筛选或阻止的电子邮件来阻止垃圾邮件或提高安全性。但是,当我们试图保护的客户有时进行合理的权衡。因此,某些想要的通信可能会无意中筛选。 若要确保客户不会收到不需要的或不适当的电子邮件, Microsoft Outlook将使用反垃圾邮件技术。这种技术筛选一些基于特征的常见的垃圾邮件的电子邮件。Microsoft ...
2. When I report an email as Junk does Microsoft use that reporting to block those emails globally? 3. I mentioned that the emails are OBVIOUS junk, meaning any entity in the IT industry, such as Microsoft, should preempt them from hitting my mail box because thee email addresses are blat...
When you start Microsoft Outlook or when you try to configure your junk email settings, you may receive one of the following error messages:Error message 1: Cannot add to the server Junk E-mail Lists, you are over the size allowed on the server. The Junk E-mail Filter on ...
默認情況下,Outlook中的垃圾郵件篩選器處於打開狀態,其保護級別設置為沒有自動過濾。 如果您認為Outlook將太多傳入消息或太少內容移到“垃圾郵件”文件夾中,則可以按照以下步驟調整Outlook的篩選器敏感性: 1。 在Outlook 2010和更高版本中,單擊首頁>破爛>垃圾郵件選項. ...
To classify a message as junk and block the sender, Ctrl+click or right-click a message header and then clickJunk Mail>Block Sender. Add important people to your Outlook contacts. When a contact is saved in your contacts list, Outlook does not classify messages from that email address as ...
Outlook creates a "Junk" mail folder. The "Spam" folder you mention is either the same folder that your boss decided to reffer to as both junk and spam, or is a folder creat...
We use: Outlook 2003 on XP Sp3 One of our users had set his junk mail to permanently delete junk emails that come it. This is found on the main menu...