在全球形势复杂多变、不确定因素增多的背景下,中日两国更应携手应对挑战,共同担负责任,推动全球治理体系朝着更加公平合理的方向发展。 Although China and Japan still have a handful of disagreements, these should not hinder the arrival of ...
每一件单品上面,都印有用微软的默认字体 Times New Roman 书写的 Hardwear。 Hardwear 的全部单品. 图片来自:XBOX GEAR SHOP Hardwear 这个看起来有点眼熟,可是连词典都查不到的词汇,背后暗藏什么玄机? 它其实来源于微软词库里的高频词汇——Hardcover,是「硬件」的意思。Hardcover 后面的 cover 本身有着覆盖、包裹...
当前,已有部分被认为与莫迪关系密切的企业正遭遇媒体和反对派的严厉审视,其所获的政府合同或将因此面临法律挑战。 从更长期的战略角度看,在印企业或许可以开始为后莫迪时代的运营进行规划,评估商业合作伙伴可能在未来面临的政治风险及其影响。各邦之间争取外商投资的竞争将会逐渐加剧,企业也有必要开展基准评估和利益相关者...
Toyota sales have nosedived due to the soaring value of the yen, which makes Japanese products more expensive overseas. Here in Britain, Prime Minister Gordon Brown held his final monthly news conference of the year. While not ignoring the tough times ahead, he underlined that getting out of ...
Music producer Quincy Jones also appears in the film and he attended its premiere in Los Angeles. Jones has been to Africa many times, and tells VOA that, too often, those outside the continent are poorly informed about it. "Because there are many sides of Africa, and until you take the...