Our lady of the nations: apparitions of Mary in 20th-century Catholic Europe, by Chris Maunder, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, xvi + 219 pp., 25.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-0-19-871838-3The occult and the internet intersect in four ways: As a static medium for information; as a ...
OUR LADY OF THE NATIONS: APPARITIONS OF MARY IN TWENTIETH-CENTURY CATHOLIC EUROPE by Chris Maunder, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, pp. xv + 219, £25.00, hbkdoi:10.1111/nbfr.12284KEITHTESTERWileyNew Blackfriars
The vision fed into a “basic framework for shaping a curriculum”, which had originated in an INFEMIT curriculum development workshop held at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies in the early 1990s (on OCMS, see Samuel and Sugden 1999; Sugden 1997, chap. 10–12; also https://www.ocms...