I'm a dj & when i discover new tracks i want to know their tempo instantly, to know where to connect/ mix them later. especially when they're (only) on vinyl (available)! Hamburg, Germany 18 days ago Making my first game a rhythm game Making my first game a rhythm game Suraba...
MapsetVerifier https://github.com/Naxesss/MapsetVerifier Tests for quantifiable issues in beatmapsets, such as unsnapped objects and unused files. SliderStudio https://slider.little.moe/ Online tool used for advanced slider creation. osuCollabTool https://github.com/Himada4/OsuCollabToolFinal...
Disconnects during the first 30 seconds of the map will result in the map being replayed. Any disconnections after this will result in a forfeit of that map. Players are only allowed to disconnect once per match. Anything after this will result in the match being forfeited to the other pla...
I had a little bug, i couldn't add a bitmap with just a click. I tried to reinstall but when the script want to launch the installer POL show "POL error". I had look the script and i have found where it crash, here : POL_Wine osume.exe I'm on archlinux 64 bits with openbo...
Rhythm is just a click away!The future of osu! and the beginning of an open era! Commonly known by the codename osu!lazer. Pew pew.StatusThis project is under heavy development, but is in a stable state. Users are encouraged to try it out and keep it installed alongside the stable ...
On entering the screen, the timing point active at the current instant of the map is selected. This is the only time where the selected point is changed automatically for the user. If there is no control point selected, the table will autoscroll to the latest timing group, unless the user...
First, this package comes withgenerateAuthorizationURL(), which will generate for you a link so users can click on it and allow your application to do stuff on their behalf This function requires you to specify scopes... well, just know thatidentifyis always implicitly specified, thatpublicis ...
双飞杯是一个国内osu玩家的2v2 OSU!Standard比赛,此比赛旨在让高rank的人带低rank的玩家一起比赛,或者中间rank的玩家一起战斗,并且能一起加油尽力相互carry,让大家都能愉快地玩耍,提升自己的实力。目前国内采用国际标准赛制的比赛偏少,这个比赛目的之一也是带动这种赛制比赛的持续进行,更好地为CN玩家参加国际比赛过渡...
My main sy by orlando1996, 8 hours Hi DR, I am a male and had sex with another male and I was the bottom and we did use condoms and one condom slipped off as he withdrew which has me really worried. The other condom was slipping due to intercourse and was only covering half his ...
run osu!, then run your favorite manual map injector, you may use the supplied one (freedom_injector.exe). mod ui should appear in top left corner of the osu! window, see controls.ControlsKeysDescription Right Click Settings F11 Hide Mod MenuFeatures...