操作系统(Operating System,简称OS)是管理和控制计算机硬件与软件资源的计算机程序,是直接运行在“裸机”上的最基本的系统软件,任何其他软件都必须在操作系统的支持下才能运行。 操作系统是用户和计算机的接口,同时也是计算机硬件和其他软件的接口。操作系统的功能包括管理计算机系统的硬件、软件及数据资源,控制程序运行,改善...
第一章引论一、操作系统定义1.什么是操作系统(OperatingSystems,OS) 计算机硬件系统上配置的第一个大型软件,称为计算机操作系统,如果该软件满足: 1)管理计算机系统的硬件和软件; 2)控制计算机系统的工作流程; 3)为其他软件和用户提供安全、方便的运行、操作环境; 4)提高计算机系统的效率。或者说,计算机操作系统是在...
POSIX不是操作系统,是一种标准,Portable Operating System Interface of Unix.,可移植操作系统接口。X表示其是对Unix API的传承。 POSIX标准由IEEE(电气和电子工程师协会)发布,定义了操作系统应该为应用程序提供的接口标准,是IEEE为要在各种UNIX操作系统上运行软件而定义的一系列API标准的总称。 POSIX的诞生和Unix的发...
Operating System can be defined as an interface between user and the hardware. It provides an environment to the user so that, the user can perform its task in convenient and efficient way. The Operating System Tutorial is divided into various parts based on its functions such as Process Manag...
An operating system is a powerful and usually extensive program that controls and manages the hardware and other software on a computer. All computers and computer-like devices require operating systems, including your laptop, tablet, desktop, smartphone, smartwatch, and router. ...
网络操作系统(network operating systems):网络操作系统是用于网络设备(如路由器,交换机或防火墙)的专用操作系统。 分布式网络系统(distributed operating systems):分布式操作系统是在独立,网络,通信和物理上独立计算节点的集合上的软件。它们处理由多个CPU服务的作业。每个单独的节点都拥有全局集合操作系统的特定软件的一部...
Operating System (OS) We can define anOperating System, or simplyOS, as a software program that serves as the interface between other applications and the hardware on a computer or mobile device. Desktop operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from a keyboard, sending ...
General-purpose operating systems A general-purpose OS can run a multitude of applications on a broad selection of hardware, enabling a user to run one or more applications or tasks simultaneously. A general-purpose OS can be installed on many different desktop and laptop models and run applicati...
1、操作系统Operating Systems,教材:计算机操作系统,第三版,汤小丹等,学时:48+8 闭卷,总成绩= 平时成绩*30%+期末成绩*70% 平时成绩包括上机实验、作业、考勤等. 教材: 计算机操作系统,第三版,汤小丹等 参考教材: 1操作系统教程(笫4版),孙钟秀 主编 费翔林 骆斌 编著 2 张尧学 等编著计算机操作系统教程北京:...