doi:10.35236/jots.1419539ENGL, FatihJournal of Old Turkic Studies
the Scythians enjoy a legendary status in historiography and popular culture. The Scythians had major influences on the cultures of their powerful neighbors, spreading new technologies such as saddles and other improvements for horse riding
图书A Dissertation on the Origin and Progress of the Scythians or Goths; Being an Introduction to the Ancient and Modern History of Europe 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
32有人认为“月氏”的古音是zngiwǎt-t’ia,其原型为*Zguja,因此可以与斯基泰人(Scythians)等同起来。33但近年来多数学者都主张月氏是吐火罗人的一支。34张广达先生亦谓:“吐火罗人当是大月氏,贵霜王朝当主要是由西迁后的大月氏人所建立,其后寄多罗王朝(the Kidarites)仍与大月氏有关。”我们以为,“月氏”和“...
Ancient genomic time transect from the Central Asian Steppe unravels the history of the Scythians Sci. Adv., 7 (2021), pp. 4414-4440 Google Scholar 22 C. Jeong, K. Wang, S. Wilkin, W.T.T. Taylor, B.K. Miller, J.H. Bemmann, R. Stahl, C. Chiovelli, F. Knolle, S. Ulziibaya...
The following 600 years saw the Scythians conquered by the passage of Huns, Goths and Turks, leaving surviving Slavic tribes to spread throughout Central and Eastern Europe. Slavic tribes were also periodically harassed by Northmen, but the extent of potential genetic exchanges between Scandinavian ...
The northern Iranians (referred to generally as Scythians [Saka] in Classical sources), who occupied the steppes, differed significantly from the southern Iranians. Inreligionandculture, both the northern and southern Iranians had much in common with the ancientIndo-Aryan-speaking peoples of theInd...
A tribe of Scythians which invaded China during the Hsia dynasty. Short for 獯鬻 (Xūnyù). Porridge. 6 \U72C7 狇 This is a “仫佬”, one of the ethnic minorities in Southwest China. 7 \U72C4 狄 The Di people; Zhou dynasty era term for tribes from northern China; a ...
Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of EurasiaKozintsev A G 2008 The `Mediterraneans' of Southern Siberia and Kazakhstan, Indo-European migrations, and the origin of the Scythians: a multivariate craniometric analysis Archaeol. Anthropol. Eurasia 36 140-4 (in Russian)...