Orientation(方向):从用户的角度来看屏幕的方向,即横屏还是竖屏。 请注意,默认情况下不仅不同的设备以不同的方向运行,而且当用户旋转设备时,方向可... 相关网页 定位 第三个维度是定位(Orientation),包括: 理想主义定位(idealistic):指理想地评价解决问题的方案; 实用主义定位(pragmatic):指对一个方案的可实施性...
orientation 显示所有例句 n. 1. [u][c] 方向;目标;定向the type of aims or interests that a person or an organization has; the act of directing your aims towards a particular thing 2. [u][c] (个人的)基本信仰,态度,观点a person's basic beliefs or feelings about a particular subject ...
Theorientationof the planet's orbit is changing continuously. 该行星轨道的方向不断变化。 牛津词典 ...a marketingorientation... 营销定位 柯林斯高阶英语词典 To a society which has lost itsorientationhe has much to offer... 对于一个迷失了方向的社会,他能做的有很多。
orientation是什么意思、orientation怎么读 读音:英[ˌɔːriənˈteɪʃn] 美[orɪɛn'teʃən] orientation 基本解释 n. 定方位, 适应, 向东方 n. 方向 [计] 方向 orientation 词性变化 名词复数形式:orientations 中文词源 orientation 定位,方向,职前培训 ...
orientation 基本解释 名词方向,定位,取向,排列方向; 任职培训; (外交等的)方针[态度]的确定; 环境判定 orientation 相关例句 名词 1. I needed some orientation at this stage. 我在这个阶段需要熟悉情况。 2. orientation 2. The school has an orientation towards practical skills. ...
Forgetting clearly aids orientation in time, since old memories weaken and the new tend to stand out, providing clues for inferring duration.(遗忘显然有助于时间的定位,因为旧的记忆会减弱,新的记忆会突显出来,从而为推断持续的时间提供线索。) I was hoping he would be able to help me out with ...
orientation英音: [ɔ:riən'teiʃn] 美音: [ɔriɛn'teʃən] 名词1.不可数名词:熟悉情况,认识环境,确定方位英英释义 a predisposition in favor of something a course introducing a new situation or environment position or alignment relative to points of the compass or other specific dir...
The party has a broadly socialist orientation. 该政党大体上是倾向社会主义的。 3. 【释义】 sexual orientation,the fact that someone isHETEROSEXUALorHOMOSEXUAL 性取向〔指某人是异性恋还是同性恋〕: 【例句】 Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is still far too widespread. ...