#elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 #define ORC_RESTRICT __restrict__ #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #define ORC_RESTRICT __restrict #else #define ORC_RESTRICT #endif #endif#ifndef ORC_INTERNAL #if defined(__SUNPRO_C) && (__SUNPRO_C >= 0x590) ...
GRI/PSS/EBS/THC/ORC/CIC/HLA...海运附加费详解 由于船舶、货物、港口及其它方面的种种原因,使得船方在运输货物时增加费用开支或蒙受经济损失,船方为补偿这些开支或损失,除基本费率外,规定另外收取的费用,就叫附加费Surcharge或Additional。附加费种类...
% mkdir build % cd build % cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE % make package % make test-out To build only the Java library: % cd java % mvn package To build only the C++ library: % mkdir build % cd build % cmake .. -DBUILD_JAVA=OFF % make package % make test-out ...
Polysaccharide vaccines against serogroups A, C, W-135, and Y using protein conjugation technology have clear advantages over older plain polysaccharide formula- tions without a protein component. The first quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MenACWY-D) was licensed in the US in 2005. More ...
CYP2C9 genes using DNA from 828 Japanese patients treated with warfarin, and investigated association between SNP genotype and warfarin-maintenance dose. Five SNPs in VKORC1, 5′ flanking−1413A>G, intron 1−136T>C, intron 2+124C>G, intron 2+837T>C and exon 3 343G>A, were in ...
Results: Preliminary data suggest overall analytic sensitivity and specificity will be 98% or higher for CYP2C9 genotyping, but strength of evidence for analytic validity is low, especially for VKORC1 testing. Strength of evidence is high for the clinical validity of both genes in predicting stab...
In 214 Omani patients on warfarin therapy, we evaluated the extent of influence of known genetic predictors of warfarin dose variability, namely CYP2C9, CYP4F2 and VKORC1 gene polymorphisms in a genetically heterogeneous patient population. When patients were stratified according to their daily ...
Multivariate linear regression analysis revealed that height, VKORC1 1173, and CYP2C9 accounted for 61.2%, 7.9%, and 4.3% of dosing variability, respectively. Conclusions: Patient height is the main factor determining warfarin dosage, while genotype effects on warfarin dosage vary among studies. ...
,这也对BM的刷敏有比较高的要求了,刚忘记说加点了,4W 1R 0C 5B,26级前都保持这样,留点的目的是为了提高自己的“三围”,你加点时不过会看见:“系统自动升级属性附加,学习一项技能将减去各项属性各两点”吗?说的就是这个了,你不学技能,留了点没加,系统就自动给你的力量敏捷智力各加...
generate.c gethopt.3 gethopt.c gethopt.h github_flavoured.c h1title.c html5.c libmarkdown.pc.in main.c makepage.1 makepage.c markdown.1 markdown.3 markdown.7 markdown.c markdown.h mkd-callbacks.3 mkd-extensions.7 mkd-functions.3 ...