定义:TYPE t_charTableIS TABLE OFVARCHAR2(10)INDEX BYBINARY_INTEGER; 引用:tableName(index); Oracle中index by binary_integer的作用 如语句:type numbers is table of number index by binary_integer;其作用是,加了”index by binary_integer ”后,numbers类型的下标就是自增长,numbers类型在插入元素时,不...
TYPE t_table IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(30) INDEX BYBINARY_INTEGER; 例: DECLARE TYPE t_table IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(30) INDEX BYBINARY_INTEGER; v_table t_table; v_cnt NUMBER; BEGIN v_table(1) := '1'; v_table(2) := '3'; v_table(3) := '9'; v_cnt := v_table.COUNT; FOR i...
oracle record and table 无需初始化 declarer_rec sys_refcursor;type rec_def is record ( id varchar2(10) );type array_def is table of rec_def INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;recordVar rec_def;tableVar array_def; BEGin null; table oracle 初始化 原创 mb649d3a75b51a2 2023-06-30 00:34:07...
TYPE empno_table_type IS TABLE OF my_emp.empno%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE ename_table_type IS TABLE OF my_emp.ename%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; v_empno_table empno_table_type; v_ename_table ename_table_type; BEGIN FOR i IN 1..1000 LOOP v_empno_table(i):=i+2000; v_e...
declare type al_table_type is table of int index by binary_integer; type nal_table_type is table of al_table_type index by binary_integer; nvl nal_table_type; --初始化 begin nvl(1)(1):=10; nvl(1)(2):=5; nvl(2)(1):=100; nvl(2)(2):=50; dbms_output.put_line('显示二维...
写function或procedure来分隔。首先声明一个数组类型:-- 字符串集合 TYPE Typ_Tab_Str IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(150) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;-- 写一个函数 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION Fun_Stringtoarrary(P_Sourcestr IN VARCHAR2, -- 源字符串 P_Separator IN VARCHAR2, -- 分隔符 P_Arrary ...
例:DECLARETYPE CourseList IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(10);courses CourseList;BEGIN-- 初始化数组...
( --定义recordname varchar2(30),age number);type collection is table of user_record; --定义集合full_name collection;beginselect name,age bulk collect into full_name from tb_user;for i in 1..full_name.count loopdbms_output.put_line('name is ['||full_name(i).name||']');end loop...
typemyTabTypeis table ofchar(2)index bypls_integer; --创建表(2个列) sexTabmyTabType; v_sex_code number(2); v_sex_name char(2); begin --往表中添加内容 sexTab(10):='男'; sexTab(20):='女'; --用户输入 v_sex_code:=&性别编号; v_sex_name:=sexTab(v_sex_code); dbms_outpu...
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