ORA-48108、ORA-48140和ORA-48187都是Oracle数据库常见的错误代码,它们通常与Oracle自动诊断库(ADR)的目录配置有关。下面分别解释这三个错误的定义、原因和解决方案: ORA-48108 定义: ORA-48108错误表示在Oracle数据库的初始化参数文件(如init.ora)中,为diagnostic_dest参数提供了无效的值。 原因: diagnostic_dest参...
SQL statement or script failed. DIAGNOSIS: Error message: ORA-48108: invalid value given for the diagnostic_dest init.ora parameter ORA-48140: the specified ADR Base directory does not exist [] ORA-48187: specified directory does not exist OSD-00002: additional error information O/S-Error: ...
数据库启动不了,报错..数据库启动后报错ORA 48108 invaild value given for the diggnostic_dest init.ora parameterORA48140 the specifi